Friday - July 30th

The last day of Boys Nation 2010 brings the last senate session which lasted most of the morning and was broadcast live here at

The afternoon brought the trip to the White House where the senators and staff had an exciting afternoon spending time waiting for President Obama to return.  The senators watched from the windows of the White House as the president's helicopter touched down on the lawn.  Within the half hour he came in to the room the senators and staff were waiting for him, he spoke to the young men and entertained a few questions.  The senators sang Happy Birthday and before the president left he made a point to also greet every staff member.

The evening graduation ceremony was emotional, joyful and one that the senators and the staff will remember. Keynote speaker for the ceremony was Dr. Vince Patton, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard, retired.

For all, it has been a week to remember for always and the staff witnessed changes within the senators that did indeed make true that this week at Boys Nation was a week that shapes a lifetime.

Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation reception and dinner
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony (Photo by Graduation ceremony - Junior Counselors)
Graduation ceremony (Photo by Graduation ceremony - Junior Counselors)
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony - Junior Counselors
Graduation ceremony - Junior Counselors
Dr. Vince Patton, Master Chief Petty Officer, retired
Dr. Vince Patton, Master Chief Petty Officer, retired
Dr. Vince Patton, Master Chief Petty Officer, retired
Dr. Vince Patton, Master Chief Petty Officer, retired
Dr. Vince Patton, Master Chief Petty Officer, retired
Dr. Vince Patton, Master Chief Petty Officer, retired
Dr. Vince Patton and Boys Nation President, Charlie Brown
Dr. Vince Patton and Boys Nation President, Charlie Brown
Dr. Vince Patton and Boys Nation Vice President, Alex Geiger
Dr. Vince Patton and Boys Nation Vice President, Alex Geiger