Michael.J.Mixon's picture

I participated in the IRLP/Echolink NET on Sat, 11 Oct at 1400 ET. I want to relay THANKS to Mike (W9MNA) from Cumberland, IN, for his services in managing that NET. Mike did a wonderful job in creating order out of what could have been chaos seeing how so many good folks tuned in.

As I stated on the NET, the Post 24 leadership in Alexandria, VA, recently stood up a Homeland Security Support Program. As part of this program, we surveyed our Post membership and discovered that only a couple of our members are amateur radio operators. With so few hams, in lieu of creating a Post radio station we are encouraging our hams to join the National-level TALARC to capitalize on their interests in both amateur radio and the Legion.

BTW, our Homeland Security Support Program works to ensure Post members are well aware of training and service opportunities related to homeland security. Two key features of our program include: 1) Community Emergency Response Team training conducted by local municipal authorities; and 2) Disaster Preparedness/Response online training provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. We also match Post volunteers who have the requisite skills and training with local volunteer service opportunities related to homeland security.

If other Posts are interested in standing up a similar program, I recommend taking a look at the Homeland Security Support Program webpage that is linked on our Post website at: http://www.valegionpost24.org/

Thanks again to Mike (W9MNA) for leading a very successful NET on Saturday.

Mike Mixon
Chairman, Homeland Security Support Program
Alexandria American Legion Post 24, Inc.