Department Spotlight: Washington shares the holiday spirit
Led by The American Legion Auxiliary, The American Legion Department of Washington conducts gift shops at many of the state's VA hospitals and soldiers/veterans homes each year around Christmas. Photo provided.

Department Spotlight: Washington shares the holiday spirit

Editor’s note: This is a weekly series of Department Spotlight stories featuring unique programs and initiatives of departments throughout The American Legion. Department adjutants are invited to recommend subjects for their departments by emailing

Each year around Christmas, The American Legion Department of Washington, led by The American Legion Auxiliary, conducts gift shops for the patients and residents at many of the state’s VA hospitals and soldiers/veterans homes.

The institutions provide space to set up displays of toys, clothes, jewelry and other items, and veterans are invited to “shop” for gifts for their loved ones.

There is never a cost to the veteran. Items are donated or purchased with monetary donations.

Once the veteran picks out gifts for his/her family, they are wrapped by Legion Family volunteers and mailed directly to the family members.

Department Adjutant Dale Davis said the feedback from veterans and their families is “heartwarming.”

“Some families called to say they had lost touch with the veteran for years, and he was found only through the receiving of the gifts sent from The American Legion gift shops,” Davis said.