If you have been riding a two wheeler for a while and change to a three wheeler you might bring a number of habits and expectations with you. Along with the change of moving to a trike come a few things you should be mindful of. When you are steering the beast in a corner or curve you are actually steering, (push on the right grip to turn left) virus leaning a motorcycle, (push right go right) so it’s important to hold back on blasting out of a curve until you can get the front wheel straight. Good trike practice maneuvers to learn how the front wheel can push would be practicing figure-eights, panic stops, quick turns, and even cranking the handlebars in both a hard right and a hard left while in motion, but at a slower speed.
1. Never, ever, put your feet down. There are three wheels, you won't tip over. Be careful not to catch your feet under the floorboards or rear wheels – this not an enjoyable experience.
2. All units have a hand brake; remember to release it before moving out. Leaving the bike in gear will also keep the trike from rolling in most cases, but don’t count on it.
3. To determine the rear wheelbase of a trike, once seated, stretch out your arms, that's the width you must allow for when tooling down the highway or squeezing into a parking lot full of scooters.
4. A trike involves "direct steering." Point into the direction of travel, lock your outside elbow into the turn, and then slowly roll on the throttle through the turn - this differs from a two-wheeler where you counter steer and lean through a corner.
5. Use both front and rear brakes. On a two-wheeler, your rear brakes are 30 percent of your stopping power. On a trike two rear wheels mean twice the stopping power, so you don't want to override your front wheel. Practice panic stopping to get the feel of your machine.
ALR RC Post 1
Omaha Post 1

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