Sons come through with Child Welfare Foundation Donations.

On behalf of the SAL National Commander, Kevin L. Collier and SAL National Adjutant Brian J. O’Hearne, congratulations on a very successful year in raising funds for The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation. It was indeed a banner year with donations of $360,299.13 from the Sons of The American Legion for 2015-2016. Super job and thank you. The Sons have contributed to this very special program since 1988 with a total to date of over $6,900,697.77. We anticipate in achieving the 7 million dollar mark within this next year. Again, congratulations and thank you for a very successful achievement.
SAL National Commander Kevin Collier and SAL CWF Chairman Pete Sierminski present American Legion Child Welfare Foundation President Dennis Boland donations from their recent spring meetings totaling an incredible $101,163! Thank you to all the Sons for your tremendous support! WOW!!
SAL National Commander Kevin Collier and SAL CWF Chairman Pete Sierminski present American Legion Child Welfare Foundation President Dennis Boland donations from their recent spring meetings totaling an incredible $101,163! Thank you to all the Sons for your tremendous support! WOW!!