I was recently discharged from the Coast Guard and have been hired by my local police department. I have heard I may be able to receive my Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits while being employed at the police department. Can you explain how this works?
Apprenticeship/on-the-job training (OJT) is where you will learn a trade or skill. You will generally enter into a training contract for a specific time with the employer or union; at the end of the training period you will receive a job certification or journeyman. In most instances you will receive a salary from your employer while you are training. As you progress through the training, your skill level increases and so does your salary. Listed below is how Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits will be paid while learning this trade or skill.
1. You will receive 100 percent of your applicable Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) during the first 6 months of training
2. You will receive 80 percent of your applicable MHA during the second 6 months of training
3. You will receive 60 percent of your applicable MHA during the third 6 months of training
4. You will receive 40 percent of your applicable MHA during the fourth 6 months of training
5. You will receive 20 percent of your applicable MHA during the remainder of the training
You will also receive up to $83 per month for books and supplies.