I will be using my Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits at a community college during the fall semester. I received a letter from VA telling me I will receive three-quarters housing allowance until Oct. 20, after which I will receive full-time housing allowance. I am confused, as my adviser stated I was enrolled full time. Can you help?
VA calculates full time within a semester a bit differently. According to VA, if you are enrolled full time in all classes – depending on your semester, 10 to 13 or 15 to 19 weeks – and the classes start at the same time, you are full time. However, if you have an eight-week class, you will not be full-time for the entire semester.
For example:
Aug. 24 to Dec. 17, 2017 – nine credits
Oct. 20 to Dec. 17, 2017 – three credits
By the above example, you will not be considered full time until Oct. 20. Your school may consider you full time for the semester, but VA requires you to be in attendance for the time enrolled.