May 10, 2019

Net Control Station K9TAL (NZ9S) conducted the monthly net on IRLP Channel 9735 and the linked EchoLink *CRSROADS* Conference on Wednesday, May 8, 2019. The net was opened at 9:00 p.m. ET [0100Z] and closed at 9:56 p.m. ET [0156Z]. Five check-ins participated, including the Net Control Station.

Contact with the following radio operators was logged.
N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyville, CA; Post 380 [Amateur Radio Post 380 Club]
KD9HHS, Zach; Muncie, IN; Post 19
KJ7GAQ, Darlene, Newport, WA, Post 155 Aux
W6SPY, Shannon; Newport, WA. Post 155
NZ9S, Bill, Net Control, Sheridan, IN

Announcements for field days, Hamvention, a special request from American Legion Post 275 (Glen Arden, MD), and American Legion Centennial video releases. Discussion on the net included Shannon W6SPY about field day activities with American Legion posts. Further discussion with members involved coming activities with field days and local ham radio events.

Submitted by Bill, K9TAL/NZ9S
Net Control