On the ragged edge

On the ragged edge

The U.S military simply cannot do all it is expected to do with diminishing and decaying resources. But that’s what Washington is expecting from the Pentagon.

Democracy on the defensive

Democracy on the defensive

Freedom House reports “an overall drop in freedom for the ninth consecutive year,” with 61 countries suffering declines in freedom and only 33 registering gains.

National Unity and National Security

National Unity and National Security

9/11 has changed how Americans view the past, present and future. Our world has changed in many ways - for the better, and for the worse.

Distress Signals

Distress Signals

The recently released National Military Strategy publication illustrates the United States' eroding comparitive military advantage.

China: 'Battle Ready' in the Not-So Pacific

China: 'Battle Ready' in the Not-So Pacific

China's goal: to control the resource-rich South and East China Seas, carve out a Chinese sphere of influence, and shove the United States out of the Western Pacific.

Insurance Against Mistakes and Madmen

Insurance Against Mistakes and Madmen

A key piece of America’s Cold War arsenal is back. NORAD’s iconic Cheyenne Mountain headquarters is open for business - again.
