Passing on history

Passing on history

For four decades, Verna B. Grimm built up The American Legion Library, chronicling the events of the day for future generations of Legionnaires.

History Channel presents 'WWII in HD'

History Channel presents 'WWII in HD'

A five-night, 10-hour series premiering Sunday, “WWII in HD” draws from color war footage recently discovered in archives and private collections around the world.

National WWII Museum opens new attractions

National WWII Museum opens new attractions

The National World War II Museum in New Orleans opened a theater, live show and restaurant during a weekend celebration that included Hollywood actor Tom Hanks.

1927 National Convention in Paris

1927 National Convention in Paris

Legionnaires cavorted at Coney Island, New York, before crossing the waves to the Tracadero in Paris, France. Watch the video.
