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Will air strikes against Islamic militants end their quest to create a separate state?



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for thousand's of years they have been killing each other and I don't think a few bombs will change that, just another Muslim's excuse to kill people(Obama)

Submitted by Mr james clifto... (not verified) : Sep 25, 2014 4:24pm

The neocons seem to have gotten what they wanted: perpetual war and a vast complex of surveillance state apparati paid for by already overburdened U.S. taxpayers - and "funded" by our Dear Rulers' borrowings from Red China and Saudi Arabia, thus driving up the already crippling $17-trillion national debt. Instead the U.S ought to contain Islam the same way we won the Cold War by containing the USSR and Red China.

Two American journalists got themselves beheaded because they were foolhardy in putting themselves voluntarily in the midst of a 1400 year-old Moslem sectarian war. For the U.S. these beheadings do not form a casus belli. Keep the U.S. out of this Mohammedan war: let the Moslems slaughter each other, let them sort out their own sectarian, tribal, and state boundaries. Protect Americans & America by deporting all Moslems and forbidding entry of Moslems into the U.S. Where there is no Islam there are no Moslems and there is no sharia; where there are no Moslems there are no jihadis; where there are no jihadis there is no jihad. Washington Beltway Wise Guys: Repeal the 1965 Hart-Cellers Immigration Act; shut, fortify, & defend our borders; deport all illegal aliens; repeal NAFTA and GATT to bring American industries & solid, well-paying jobs back to Americans; end the refugee resettlement rackets; end the visa foreign worker scams; return to the 1924 Johnson Act immigration standards; Give Us Back OUR Country!

Submitted by Jordynne Olivia Lobo (not verified) : Sep 25, 2014 6:42pm

The use of “neocons” refers to new conservatives. Yet it was the demoncrats, while in charge of both houses of congress that supported this current inexperienced and incompetent POTUS in withdrawing from the region, against all advice from experienced military and security advisors. He and they did this for no other reason other than a political move, so they could use the “war dividend” to buy votes and so POTUS could payoff his buddies who elected him.

Yet I can’t dispute much of what you say. I point out that there are not all Muslims that are being slaughtered; thousands of Christians and other religions are being systematically cleansed from the area by death and flight. The Iraq military is apparently full of cowards and no amount of training will change that.

If the Muslims reach a point where a caliphate is established, that will give us the opportunity to simply nuke the entire region and be done with them all. But before that all the Muslims scattered around the world should be deported back into it. In the West Muslims have free will to convert out of Islam and join the rest of humanity.

Submitted by oghgulsan (not verified) : Sep 27, 2014 10:24am

Air strikes will only p!ss them off. Troops on the ground only provide them with more targets. Aid to the "moderates" will simply end up in their hands.

Just stay the he!! away from the Mideast and let them play the games they have been playing for the last thousand years or so.

Submitted by So.AZ.Vet (not verified) : Sep 25, 2014 7:00pm

They are not playing in the middleeast, only. They are in Europe, SE Asia, America, Canada. They are serious, have money, are trained with weapons.

Submitted by Calif. Vet.Retired (not verified) : Sep 27, 2014 8:38pm

They do have serious money. We gave them most of it. They play in Europe, Canada, and SE Asia because Europe, Canada, and SE Asia LET them. They are playing in America because our government LETS them play in America.

Stop giving them money, don't let them play here, and let the rest of the world deal with their own problems.

Submitted by So.AZ.Vet (not verified) : Sep 30, 2014 1:32pm

Why are we bombing a sovereign nation that is no threat to us and done nothing to us on American soil?

Submitted by Pablo Sr. (not verified) : Sep 25, 2014 8:33pm

Have you not been paying attention, they have stated they intend to raise the black flag of Sharia over America. It is imperative these people be annihilated.

Submitted by oghgulsan (not verified) : Sep 27, 2014 10:30am

This war has raged for centuries. This bombing effort will cause it to ebb for a time while the Muslim Sects war among themselves. It will return and each time it rears it's ugly head, it will involve a larger world area. A more mobile society allows it to spread and the world doesn't have enough bombs to end it.

Submitted by Nonstop 72 (not verified) : Sep 25, 2014 10:24pm

This is just another campaign by Muslim radicals to bring back the "Great Muslim Empire" that covered all the Middle East, Africa and threatened Europe in the early Middle Ages.They want the world reshaped to their way- rights of others, different religions are not important to them just as it wasn't important in the Middle Ages. Them killing each other will not stop and once they have a secure power base, they will continue to expand into the rest of the world. Bombinb will cripple them but only "boot on the ground" actually control the ground! Hopefully it would be move native boots and not American boots.

Submitted by William Frazer (not verified) : Sep 26, 2014 9:00am

the only way to prevent the Islamic Jihaad to prosper is to let bthem do what they want. The way to stop them is to do air power to destroy all the command & control centers as well as the troops on the ground in all the circumstances that we find them.

Submitted by Dave wertz (not verified) : Sep 26, 2014 4:05pm

the only way to stop the jehadist is to wipe them off the face or the earth as they will not stop until that happens!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by carl fernstrom (not verified) : Sep 27, 2014 2:18pm

Let the enemies of our enemies destroy themselves.......this is what they have been doing for thousands of years why stop them now !!!!

Submitted by red baron (not verified) : Sep 27, 2014 4:22pm

If the Federal Gov't was defending our borders(one of the very few things they have the authority to do under our Constitution), we could just let them fight it out among themselves as they have been doing since around the 7th Century!

Submitted by Sailorman (not verified) : Sep 28, 2014 12:37pm