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How should the United States respond to the terrorist attack in Paris?



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France has been too lenient with Muslim immigration, also allowing the "no enter" zones. This is happening in several other countries. Muslim terror groups are given free space to organize. Without limiting these zones, Charlie will happen again.

Submitted by John mcCoy (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 2:12pm


Submitted by JERRY L. BAILEY JR. (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 3:19pm

first, close our borders to prevent any illegals from entering.
second, do not let any Muslims into the country, legal or not.
third, allow authorities to monitor every mosque in the USA. If they refuse to be monitored, shut them down.
fourth, do not allow any laws to be applied in the USA except USA and state and local laws, not Sharia. Enough madness.

Submitted by Bob K (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 3:03pm

I don't agree with any of your proposals, but at least I understand the first 3. I have heard the last mentioned before, but I just don't get it. Is there evidence that Sharia law is being enforced anywhere in the USA today?

Submitted by David R (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 3:07pm

Terrorisum is a direct result of Sharia law.

Submitted by Dennis P (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 5:15pm

It has been reported that Sharia killings have been done here and that the courts are reluctant to prosecute. This has occurred several times mostly in the Idaho Montana areas. I know that at least two such killings occurred in Orange County, Ca.

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Jan 15, 2015 11:57pm

Your reply was PERFECT - thanks for stating the obvious - at least in my opinion. We need to do all the things you wrote in your note. Thanks for writing it.

Submitted by J. R. Wilson (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 4:01pm


Submitted by STAFF SERGEANT ... (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 4:08pm

Support France exactly like they did us after 9/11 and the attacks on our citizens! An aside, we'll never stop illegal immigration until we quit our welfare system as "Big Business" wants their spending power. Let them clear the down fallen wood in all our forests for their pay!

Submitted by congobongo (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 3:12pm

Hopefully this would not happen here in these United States. That being said, we all know that Obama, "Hanoi John Kerry, and other leading Liberal Democrats have refused to call Terrorism just what it is - Terrorism. They will not even mention the word Terrorist or Terrorism in their speechs or News Media Fiasco's. Our Security Experts have acknowledged that Terror Cells do exist in these United States. When questioned about this they use Obama's words that " We are Monitoring and/or Evaluating this problem ". As we all know, they have been Monitoring/Evaluating this same problem for years. Maybe "after" these Terrorists kill afew Americans they will act, even though the Terrorist's that killed Troops at Ft Hood is still eating high on the Hog at Tax Payers Expense. Yeah, I know Muslims don't like Pork, maybe they should be made to eat Pork in Prison, they just might want to go home. Thank you for your time. TSgt., USAF Retired.

Submitted by Mrsgunnut10 (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 3:34pm

Tsgt: Thank you for your service to the country. Get well soon!

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 4:03pm

I think a bounty is in order for any illegal aliens that come to "our" country, attack and kill our people......that is called Invasion and should be promptly treated with a bullet to the brain pan! imho

Submitted by desert : Jan 8, 2015 3:37pm

Offer France immediate support with security and intelligence and provide it if requested.

Submitted by Fred G. (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 3:57pm

We elected our government to manage our affairs. Have you noticed they can't even do that. We did not elect our government to manage world affairs. The taxes we pay can not even give pay for the things we need. Oh by the way we have borrowed 18 Trillion thus far which your little children are in debt for and they don't have jobs yet. Can anyone with common sense really belief that we should borrow more to go out and protect France or any other country at this time? Those that have a business in war supplies I understand they might what that, as long as they don't have to pay for it. We should only get involved if there is a clear direct threat. It is appropriate to have a plan in place just in case that does occur. Be prepared: Talk softly but carry a big stick as Roosevelt said. When it is time we will know it. Until then lets pay off our debt first. That is the best defense, because we will be stronger without that debt.

Submitted by dave48195 (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 4:04pm

Yes, we have to give full support to France, we also need to increase our surveilance within our borders. I also feel that congress should override the President on Islamic Terrorism and pursue the enemy until they are caught. There is a small price to pay for security, better spent than buying votes like the liberals do. It would help to capture these terrorists so we could talk to them and interrogate them.

Submitted by Jack Russell, M... (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 4:10pm

France during its colonial period was sociologically and politically inter-twined with the Muslim populations and factions of that period. On the one hand France should be commended for standing up for its former subjects, albeit using it to garner contracts and supplying; technology, materials, weapons, funding, etc. While on the other hand this is what happens when you delude yourself that they don't mean you, when they speak of terror and destroying the "Infidels". We should help the French with the same zeal and fervor that they have given us, in our recent tribulations.

Submitted by tadamoana : Jan 8, 2015 4:34pm

We all know that France supports the Palestine. Palestine supports Hesbola and raises money to support the muslim radicals. Add 1+1=2.
Maybe they will now wake up---What will it take for Conrad Obama to wake up?

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Jan 16, 2015 12:04am

Advise the Muslim world immediately that any attack on any
American in this country will be met with instant punishment ie, hanging or execution in a public forum. No arrest and trial. To h--- with world opinion. Alas, we have no such leader with the brain or b---- to put an end to terrorism.

Submitted by Dickeff (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 7:06pm

The lack of intelligent leadership from our administration regarding terrorism leaves little to offer France that they don't already have themselves.

Submitted by slammer (not verified) : Jan 8, 2015 7:36pm

Helping France will perhaps lead to some insight to the terror cells in the USA. WE need to quit pussy footing around and get serious about our borders and such. Illegals now in Cal. get to have drivers licencees. Isn't that special. Again lets tighten up the border cause that's to big a hole for the terrorists to take advantage of. We have enough of "home grown" variety already here. Bye the way. Make sure you get the "uninsured motorist" coverage.

Submitted by Fred C. (not verified) : Jan 9, 2015 9:33am

Look, we must acknowledge that Islam is a cult of terror. It will not go away. It must be dealt with the same way the Romans dealt with this type of ideology or philosophy.

Submitted by Kermit L. (not verified) : Jan 9, 2015 1:00pm

This was an act of terror, and we are still at war with terrorism. What is different is that combat is very intermittent in this new war, and not semi continuous like earlier wars. Our current government has yet to say so, and as a result our country is in dire straits, and it should formulate a strategy and commit and mobilize the resources to achieve it and win this war.

Submitted by William R Horne... (not verified) : Jan 9, 2015 6:18pm

I can almost guarantee that France and the U.S. are sharing intelligence.

Having said that, finding the critical data in the morass of intelligence is difficult. It is made worse by a President and Administration who lack the moral courage to identify the enemy, the strategic sense to have proper and reasonable rules of engagement to protect our forces on the cutting edge, and the honesty to call terrorism terrorism and not the insane classification of Fort Hood as "workplace violence."

Ladies and Gentlemen, the people who run our country today, who control the media, and who direct our assets against terrorism are more worried about conservatives and former members of the military than they are about those who have vowed to destroy us and our systems of law and society.

P.S. Islam has never been a "religion of peace," unless you mean taking a piece of this and of that by means of force. Read a little history and see what it took to stop the tide of Islam in Iberia (Charles Martel and the Battle of Poitiers in 732), the Mediterranean (Battle of Lepanto in 1571), and outside the gates of Vienna in 1683. They don't teach anything about history in our schools today, but for hundreds of years Western Europe battled against the expansion of Islam.

This is not a recent problem. This has been going on since the 670s with only a few relatively short breathers. Folks, Islam since it's founding has been a religion spread predominantly by violence and force and to a relatively minor extent by voluntary conversions i.e. the U.S. prison system.

Also remember that shortly after we first became a country under our Constitution that our first foreign war was not again Mormoms going door-to-door but North African Islam. Maybe history doesn't repeat itself, but as some wag stated, "It rhymes." To misquote George Santayana, "Ignore history at your own peril."

Submitted by Robert I Finkel... (not verified) : Jan 10, 2015 11:23am

Obama admin. was informed ( by Russian government) several times about the brothers that bombed at the Boston Marathon. We had our own intel about these men. The warnings are clear to most---except to our current government administrators. They have their heads up--you know where. Also, Congress has no will to impeach him. Letting the wild human animal our of prison into our streets and back into the world is harmful and borders on insanity, does it not?

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Jan 16, 2015 4:48pm

Investigate all mosques /Muslim's in this country, any hits deport them immediately.
Unfortunately with this administration being SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST, it will not happen.
Unfortunately, this will probably happen to this country soon enough.

Submitted by pob (not verified) : Jan 10, 2015 6:52pm

How 48 % support that "this is an issue between a satirical publication and those it offended." I don't go killing anyone because someone makes fun of the Pope or anyone else. A satyrical magazine is just that; some publications offend me everyday and I do not complain. Freedom is freedom, I do not want to live in places where they direct my life from birth to old age.!!!

Submitted by Rok (not verified) : Jan 11, 2015 2:00pm

The idea that this would happen in the United States is unlikely, at least in the context of doing this to civilians. I believe this is because they do not fear the police or government or military, but fear the individual American that MAY be concealed carrying. France was a soft target--full ban on firearms, a liberalized people that have allowed police "no-go" zones that are for only Muslims, including the implementation of Sharia law in these areas, all culminating with what we have seen the past week.

Now, before anyone throws the Ft. Hood massacre in, that was committed by a sole man that invoked what we believe to be radical Islamic views on fellow servicemembers. It was terrorism, but against primarily military personnel on an installation.

Submitted by Randy (not verified) : Jan 11, 2015 9:47pm

Radical Christians have and do similar things to people. How soon we forget history and even current events in the name of Jesus. If Christians were to follow the Bible literally, like the Koran, we would be behaving in the same way. Following these old books in todays world will cause problems for all societies. Radicals are dangerous, period. Choosing to believe or not to believe these books is a private matter--and do not try to make everyone believe because you chose to believe this stuff.

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Jan 16, 2015 12:14am

Is there any help for a Nation that puts their Police out unarmed? The entire country seems to be a soft target. The Swiss model of having Veterans keeping their weapons should be adopted here as well.

Submitted by Wayne69MP (not verified) : Jan 13, 2015 9:27am

Someday we'll find that Obama is a closet Islamist. Not a conspiracy theorist, just observing how he and his Administration behave regarding Islamic terrorists.

Submitted by Fred R (not verified) : Jan 14, 2015 7:21am

It is time for all countries targeted by Islamic terrorist groups to share information. It seems that none of them trust each other with that data, and the terrorists count on that mistrust to continue their terrorism. The intelligence organizations of each country desperately need to work together, even if it means not keeping the great leaders informed.

Submitted by StevieG (not verified) : Jan 16, 2015 5:38pm