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The 2016 presidential candidates are starting to line up. What do you see as the most important issue in that race?



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Submitted by BILL HAHN (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 2:35pm


Submitted by john cza (not verified) : Apr 17, 2015 11:41am

And spell check. It works in lower case. TGIF.

Submitted by john cza (not verified) : Apr 17, 2015 11:46am

The home invasion by illegals from all over the world, and getting access to same rights as citizens. The politicians that support this invasion are traitors to this nation, and must be removed by hook or by crook.

Submitted by patriot (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 3:31pm

Yes, and , By Force, is also a good prospect.

Submitted by MARION (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 9:22pm

And how long has your family been in this country? If they came from any other country than here they were immigrants in every sense of the word!
I'd bet the natives who were here when the Spanish landed where not happy to be invaded by them either!
If your family isn't native to this land then you have no right to call out others who come here for the same reasons your family did.

Submitted by Niles Spahn (not verified) : Sep 14, 2016 3:05pm

Environmental issues. I'm really surprised it didn't even make your list. If we don't get a handle on the way we're screwing up the planet and our own back yards we won't have anything to defend. I'm not talking about global warming --it counts-- but but water issues, energy issues, habitat loss, clean air.... I could go on.

Submitted by David Feagles (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 3:42pm

Biggest & Most Menacing Issue: Immigration. What's now left of what used to be our country needs to stop all immigration for at least twenty years. With an $18-trillion dollars national debt and immigrants (even legal ones) constituting a massive drain on welfare, Social Security and other "freebies" as well as well as placing massive downward pressure on Americans' wages and massive upward pressure on housing costs, the United States are now at a point at which further immigration hurts Americans deeply. Even if immigration were halted today, the hurt that past unwise immigration has already put on Americans will continue to hurt well into the future.

Submitted by Jordynne Olivia Lobo (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 3:45pm

To Jordynne Olivia Lobo; I take offense to you classifying Social Security as "freebies". Just my opinion. I feel that I paid into it, so nothing "FREE" about it!

Submitted by Ralph Maddox (not verified) : Apr 15, 2015 5:03am

You need to reeducate yourself Ms. Lobo, the people who most use the welfare system and drain resources are white Appalachians and southerners who have little to no education. They are literally living at the very fringes of society and yet you don't mention them and prefer to aim your hate at people you don't know or want to know!
It's people like you who make this country look like a pile of losers and moaners on the world's stage.
You hate because you lack something in your own life and just have to lash out at people you consider lower than you! Remember this.... One day when you least expect it you will come face to face with your prejudice. I wish you would go visit some places in eastern Germany where Americans like you (even if you are white) are considered low life's. Then maybe you'd not be so quick to slander and hate other people who don't share your skin color!
Trust me, just because you are white doesn't mean you wouldn't be someone else's target of hate in other "white" countries.
You're a fool just opening your trap and showing the world how ugly you are.

Submitted by Niles Spahn (not verified) : Sep 14, 2016 2:56pm


Submitted by DONALD C H STAN... (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 3:49pm

You got that right!!!!!

Submitted by Jerry Springer (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 5:24pm

That, or stop electing the idiots in the first place. Maybe a voter IQ test would work better.

Submitted by So. AZ Vet (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 6:22pm

It is the candidates who need the IQ test

Submitted by weaselp (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 8:39pm

The candidates don't vote themselves into office, the voters do. The politicians are not the ones that have buried this country, the voters who put them there are. The politicians suck, I'll give you that, but they won in the elections. The voters, or rigged elections, are the root of the problem.

Submitted by RPerryBT3 (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 1:59pm

More than 75% of congressional districts in the US are gerrymandered so badly that a voter's only choice is to vote for the candidate the party in power puts on the ballot, or not vote at all. That's not much of a choice.

Submitted by AZ Patriot (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 4:53pm

The gerrymandered districts are gerrymandered by people the voters put into office! (Except in Arizona where the voters decided to lets others do the deciding for them.)

Submitted by So. AZ Vet (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 9:18pm

YES! One and done. That's the only way to keep them from spending all their time raising bribe money for their re-election. Limiting them to one term would also eliminate the seniority system they use to manipulate power.

Submitted by B MacMurray (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 4:50pm

We need new leadership and a military veteran such as Jim Webb fits the bill. He would bring back an awareness of how great our nation was and should be and a respect for our vets. I have never voted Democratic in my life but, he and his principles would get my vote.

Submitted by Richard Cooper (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 3:56pm

I think there are only three Presidential Candidates who have served. Jim Webb is the only combat veteran. He was also the sponsor of the Post 9-11 GI Bill. Regardless of your party affiliation, Webb is one of us. He's got my vote and I'd hope more veterans support him.

Submitted by M. S. Sarver (not verified) : May 4, 2015 8:53am


Submitted by CHRISTIANJUNTO (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 3:59pm

We must close our borders and start controlling who comes into the country.

Submitted by Mike Lukosavich (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 4:31pm

We need more people who know that compromise is the only way to get things done. Not to mention that religion has no place in gov. Morals do, absolutely but not religion as there are so many religions practiced in our country. Don't forget that the Constitution prohibits a "religious litmus test for political office".

Submitted by Susan Meier (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 4:38pm

Compromise is the process of abandoning your principles in a piecemeal fashion. Eventually, the lowest common denominator wins.

Submitted by So. AZ Vet (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 6:19pm

It would surely be most important if we could create a government that could come together to get all these things done intelligently.

Submitted by Bill Rosenthal (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 4:48pm

We already have such a system. It is the Constitution. Too bad we don't use it anymore. Don't blame the elected officials. Blame the people who keep electing them.

Submitted by So. AZ Vet (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 6:16pm

Restore our Constitution (the supreme law of the land IAW Article VI)by requiring Federal members of the Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary branches of government to live up to their oath of office by limiting their actions to those specifically delegated to them in our Constitution. Amend the Constitution to establish term limits for ALL federal government officers, eliminate pensions, and make it possible to remove officials who violate their delegated powers. Eliminate the IRS & establish a fair taxing system that bestows special benefits on no one.

Submitted by Gary Blunt (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 4:53pm

And repeal the 17th amendment! Senators should be beholden to their state, not moneyed special interests from all over the country.

Submitted by AZ Patriot (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 4:59pm

There is a wealthy class and political class that have colluded to sustain each other through our public policy and tax codes while engendering support from the poorly informed with fear mongering and rhetoric. Our most central pressing issues remain minimally addressed while uncompromising politicians play to hot-button subjects for narrow constituencies. I sometimes feel like Socrates walking the streets in search of an honest man. The most difficult task in the next election is to see through the smoke and confusion of excessively well funded hate campaigns to find those candidates that will truly serve their country and not their careers and wealthy benefactors.

Submitted by Wade Kearns, US... (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 5:17pm

Importamt Issues:
1. Term Limits for Congress
2. Control our borders & stop all illegal immigration
3. Return control to the states reducing the size of Fed Govt
4. Roll back Federal Government Regulations on businesses
5. Simplify Tax Code

Submitted by Jerry Springer (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 5:23pm

You've got my vote.

Submitted by Bridger (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 7:24pm

The economy has been restored as the current administration is now setting job creation records, high value of the U.S. dollar and the GDP. We must now face the immigration dilemma with 11 million employed illegals needing to be documentation. The Bushes and McCain tried to rectify this by introducing immigration bills but the current crop of knuckle draggers in Congress cannot even agree within their own party.

Submitted by Army Vet (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 5:28pm

The dollar has declined 97% since the creation of the Federal Reserve System. The executive solution to 11 million illegals is to declare them legal. What the ...?????

Submitted by So. AZ Vet (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 6:13pm

The USD has improved 30% vs the euro. Stop living in history and catch up on current events!

Submitted by Army Vet (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 9:17pm

The dollar hasn't improved against the Euro. The Euro has just started sinking faster. Those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it.

Submitted by So. AZ Vet (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 12:24pm

We've lost more jobs than have been created. And of the jobs created, a large percentage are low paying or part time. The participation in the labor force is 3% lower now than when Obama took office. (Bureau of Labor Statistics - labor force participation rate)

Submitted by PA SGT (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 11:37pm

"Setting job creation records"? Surely you jest. Part time jobs, maybe, but nothing a person can live on. And Obama invited all those illegal kids to come here, now they are costing us, the taxpayer, $250 per day per Where's it going to end?

Submitted by Cora (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 8:16am

The main issue should be abuse of executive power. That is a major contributing factor in ALL of the listed problems. Of course, having a Congress less accepting of the abuse of presidential power would help, too. Seems each president makes his predecessor look like an angel. I wish I could say the problem went back decades, but unfortunately at this point, it goes back centuries.

Submitted by So. AZ Vet (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 6:10pm

I agree with David Feagles, and would only add that we need to do SOMETHING about all the pollution of plastic, it's everywhere, landfills, streams, oceans. It's going to eventually affect our very survival.

Submitted by OHMIGOSH! (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 6:17pm

I think Iran launching nukes at us, or Iran teaming up with Russia and China to accomplish the same thing, or having our economy go bust because of decades of poor management and gross indulgence by the federal elitists is going to kill us a lot faster than your plastic bottle monster. Just an opinion on priorities.

Submitted by Bridger (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 7:29pm

Taxation without representation is STILL tyranny. We must quit spending more than we are willing to pay into the Treasury, which just passes the debts on to our descendants to pay. They will have their own issues, programs, and defense to pay for.

Submitted by Bud Jay (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 7:29pm

Immigration. We can't survive as a nation if we don't regain control of our own borders.

Submitted by AF Chief (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 9:50pm

If they don't get a handle on the abortion issue and get it stopped we will not have a chance to get anything else done.

Submitted by Gary McGhee (not verified) : Apr 9, 2015 11:00pm

Agree: Intelligent folks plan for producing the best offspring with the best mate when the time is right for all concerned. If they fail to plan well and get pregnant anyway it is society and the unwanted child who will pay the price---so abortion is really necessary when fairly intelligent folks make a mistake. Those needing an abortion should borrow the money and pay it back if they need the services NOW. Society should not bail you out of your dumb mistakes. Of course, preventing pregnancy and diseases is the very best choice to begin with. Dah!!

Submitted by k (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 7:27pm

MrG McGhee, you are consumed by your issue of controlling women!

Submitted by David Hiller (not verified) : Sep 16, 2016 1:57pm

All of the subjects are most important in the upcoming 2016 elections. They are kind of related.

Submitted by GL Swanberg (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 1:09am

-Illegal immigration
-violation of US Constitution

Submitted by Charles W. Reif... (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 7:07am

Government must regain the confidence and support of the people by putting their country above the partisanship bickering of political parties. Good or bad should take precedence over democratic or republican in regards to proposed legislation.

Submitted by CPT Ron Retired (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 10:41am

Germany has been arresting and stopping illegals from entering their country-----What is the holdup ???

Submitted by mikedv733 : Apr 10, 2015 12:05pm

Trust is the main issue to me... There are always valid things to add to this list. Most important is hard to choose. My main issue is can I trust who I am about to vote for? If you cannot say you do, then you must vote for the lesser of evils and that is not what we should have, but too often do.

Submitted by Iowa Rider (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 12:14pm

Yes! It is astounding how many people are supporting so many lying scoundrels currently in office. Could it be that they understand the liars because they are liars themselves. There are so many who have lose or never had good character, morals, and personal ethics. Shocking even that they admit it and vote for the morally bankrupt.

Submitted by K2 (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 7:35pm

As much as everybody wants to think that the United States is not in debt and has money to burn, that simply is not true. War is expenses and you should ask yourself, if borrowing money from your enemies makes any real sense. If you want to become weaker/poorer that will work. If you want to really have a strong defense you had better focus on the ECONOMY first. Based on the voting most of you must spend all your money foolishly, so you want the United States to do the same thing. Sorry but if the shoe fits I have to say it. Remember there are other countries much closer to those conflicts and they haven't been spending their money; its their turn now. They want you to dig into your tax dollars and pay for their defense. They need to pay the lions share not us. But they know the stupid Americans will pay, so they just sit back and enjoy a higher standard of living on us. Don't let fear blind you. If war comes and we need to get nasty, believe me we really could. Those other countries don't seem to be afraid as much as you guys appear to be; based on your votes.

What makes for a strong defense is the ability to pay for it on our own. Putting the expense on the credit card isn't smart especially if your creditor turns into your enemy.

Submitted by dave48195 (not verified) : Apr 10, 2015 3:19pm

It is painfully clear from the comment section, that education MUST be a priority and this culture of wholesale, if turned to focus on real issue might have a chance to do some good. At this time with a country so embroiled in this fear and hatred we are consuming our brightest resources....hope....progress....our unity. I am sick of the hate and ignorance that is corroding our nation.

Submitted by jameslfrees : Apr 1, 2016 9:56am

The Preamble of the American Legion is very clear in its purpose...including upholding time-honored values. To ride the fence on this election, or any other election, is clear evidence that the organization is not about the values articulated in the Preamble. This is a time when American values, the Flag, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence require men of courage to rise and make a stand.
To that end, and until the Preamble is once again meaningful by action and not word, my membership in the American Legion will never be renewed.

Submitted by Shawn Downs (not verified) : Aug 2, 2016 1:56pm

Well put and ditto.

Submitted by Niles Spahn (not verified) : Sep 14, 2016 3:58pm

I am in agreement with you. Well said, I well not renew as well. Thank you Shawn Downs!

Submitted by David Hiller (not verified) : Sep 16, 2016 1:47pm

I am in agreement with you. Well said, I well not renew as well. Thank you Shawn Downs!

Submitted by David Hiller (not verified) : Sep 16, 2016 1:52pm

2nd Amendment ---

If you elect the wrong candidate she'll stack the Supreme Court with a load of anti gun Judges ... If you like freedom think of that --- the (D) party wants to penalize vets on gun ownership too saying we're unstable. ???

Submitted by Sgt Waggoner (not verified) : Aug 3, 2016 2:07pm

I don't think the Democratic party is saying you are unstable Sgt. It's probably in your med records. Don't blame anyone else for your short comings.

Submitted by Niles Spahn (not verified) : Sep 14, 2016 3:56pm

The sgt's rational, is one reason more of us did not reinlist!

Submitted by David Hiller (not verified) : Sep 16, 2016 1:43pm

After reading your suggestion of being labeled unstable. I might agree that you very well could infact be unstable.

Submitted by David Hiller (not verified) : Sep 16, 2016 1:40pm

The Democratic party is just another name for sociallizem, the election of Hilleary will be the beginning of the end of the Constitution as it is written. If you wonder what will become of the USA under control of the Dems. then just look at Grease. (Sociallizem at it's best)

Submitted by William McDaniel (not verified) : Aug 31, 2016 3:07pm

HRC as President, is as ridicules for America as your comparison too Grease. Both candidates are a disgrace too American ideals.

Submitted by David Hiller (not verified) : Sep 16, 2016 1:35pm


Submitted by One single word. (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 2:44am

Surely you must have some better issues to concern yourself with! First of all millions of our tax dollars have been spent to confirm that there's nothing to it.
Secondly, we have no proof that anyone did anything "illegal".
Third, I agree with someone who said that they are not renewing their membership with the American Legion anymore. I agree because of the absolute uneducated answers we are reading here on this board.
I am so happy that I'm leaving such a misinformed bunch of Rambo type characters! Some of you have no clue what morals and character are about!
I sense that some of you are strong Trump supporters and need to take off the blinders and take a closer look. You are so proud of your service yet you completely disregard his own utter contempt for real soldiers who served while he was paying doctors to write him excuses that helped him run from harm's way!
You're making him look like God's gift to the USA while at the same time completely forgetting how much of a scumbag he really is.
I live in NY and I've seen this man on the news for over 40 years, I know what kind of dirtbag he is just from his own words and actions.
Those who support him for President need to dig into his public life a little more rather than trust his every sleazy word just because he thinks like you!
Imagine your surprise when he ignores you if he ever gets the power he wants, because that's all this man really wants is the power. All you have to do is take a really close look at his public life, his marriages, his radio and television interview answers, and his utter lack of personal shame and you will find a man with no morals who just wants to be a king.
The American Legion members who clap loudly and show up at his theatrical rallies wearing their caps proudly show us all how misinformed and basically politically novice they really are by supporting a guy who knows how to bribe politicians more than he does about being one!
I shutter to think what this country is really about if we elect a shallow power hungry maggot like Trump.

Submitted by Niles Spahn (not verified) : Sep 14, 2016 2:35pm

Well said, than You!

Submitted by David Hiller (not verified) : Sep 16, 2016 1:27pm