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What do you think of an appeals court ruling that NSA’s collection of Americans’ phone records is illegal?



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Bush, Cheney, and Rice were unable or unwilling to understand the intelligence alerts given to them prior to 9-11 regarding Bin Laden's plots to implement a massive terrorist attack. After 9-11,Bush and Cheney broke the law in collecting all sorts of information on everyone -- good, bad, guilty, and not guilty. All this reminds me of the Nazi's prior to WWII in how they used all sorts of methods to gather information leading to the killing of thousands. And remembver Bush and Cheney used lies and deceit to justify a war with Iraq that should not have happened. Iraq was not involved in 9-11, it was Saudi Arabians that flew the planes! The mess we haved in the Middle East can be directly traced to Bush and Cheney. I believe these two should be prosecuted for war crimes for being responsible for the killing of over 4,000 US military, 30,000 seriously wounding, and the killing of over 100,000 Iraqi civilians.

Submitted by Bob Philbrook (not verified) : May 7, 2015 3:16pm

You are very well informed Bob. I couldn't agree more.

Submitted by Todd Carlyle (not verified) : May 7, 2015 3:40pm

Looks like the koolaid was delicous.

Submitted by "Tank" (not verified) : May 7, 2015 3:40pm

Phil - Agree with your comments although I believe Cheney is the one that is the one most responsible for the Middle East mess. Bush was just Cheney's stick-puppet that he manipulated to get his agenda implemented. I hope there is a special place in hell reserved for Cheney!

Submitted by Fred Schuster (not verified) : May 7, 2015 3:45pm

A lot of blame may be due to President Bush/Cheney. I remember in 1979/80, when Jimmie Carter ousted the Shah of Iran, and brought Khomeini out of exile, and put him in Iran. Attempted to rescue the hostages, and our troops died in the attempt. Add that to the list.
Now look at the mess of doing NOT MUCH. Syria, ISIS, Nuclear Testing.
Obama, Kerry, will be in the same place in hell. Hillary? "What Difference does It Make?"

Submitted by Jack Dawes (not verified) : May 8, 2015 11:40pm

Bob: You need to research the facts. The original provisions of the "Act" passed by Congress was limited in scope unlike what exists today and without due process in Congress. The original required a court order before anyone could be spied on by phone or on line.
I think you must be aware of the fact that this administration increased the level of spying without going through Congress and why we had all the lawsuits and why the court ruled as it did. The NSA, under questioning by Congressional inquiry confirmed the Act had been expanded and were spying using a blanket court order instead of a court order for individual cases which was not the intent under the original provisions. NSA also admitted their results were not significant and the fact is they have the assets to do a very effective scope on suspected threats without looking at every citizen of this country.
We cannot allow the continuance of intrusion into the private lives of people as it exists today because it is not only the NSA, but several agencies of our Federal Government which will eventually turn this country into a police state. They are even encouraging the build up of military police forces in States and even a civilian security force and you have to ask why.
For the record, I held clearance and access even higher than the White House Communications and know some of the comments you made are without merit but I can see where you would get this perception when both Bush and Cheney did not rebut those making claims. If you saw fairly recent information which vindicated them, you would know the weapons did exist and they were shipped to another country just before the invasion and in fact used by that country on forces of questionable alliance to this country but also killed many women and children in the process.

Submitted by Bud Grounds (not verified) : May 7, 2015 4:15pm

Thank You Bud. I was just getting ready to say the same thing. One would think folks would have gotten over "blame it on Bush" by now.

Submitted by James1962 (not verified) : May 7, 2015 5:26pm

President Clinton signs the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (ILA) into law. The act, which passed with overwhelming support from Democrats and Republicans in both the House and Senate, was written by Trent Lott (R-MS) and other Republicans with significant input from Ahmed Chalabi and his aide, Francis Brooke.
Lets give credit where credit is due.

Submitted by dexters (not verified) : May 7, 2015 4:42pm

You are being political. Find out what the facts are and make an intelligent comment.

Submitted by Dale L (not verified) : May 7, 2015 5:58pm

I agree 100%, there are a whole bunch folks who should be prosecuted, there is alot more than just spying on phone & emails, they are harassing people in the U.S. with psychotronic microwave weapons. Myself, being one those they harass 24/7, working with qualified people to shut them down from harassing good citizens here in the U.S.

Submitted by Jeff Shaw (not verified) : May 8, 2015 9:44pm

If you had a brain you'd be dangerous. You are so biased that your mouth is way out in front of your words. You might go and attend the new Communist Party in the USA. It is known as the Democratic Party. The Democrats have a real way of creating chaos an then blaming it on someone else. We both know where your head is so why don't you pull it out if you can. Otherwise, HEIL OBAMA.

Submitted by James Johnson (not verified) : May 9, 2015 3:55am

Boy are you on target. I'll bet Chaney's enjoying his profits from Halliburton too.

Submitted by Mary Erdman (not verified) : May 11, 2015 5:07am

I just wonder what was going on with the previous administrations.
What would you, have done?
Mix more whiskey in your half full glas?

Submitted by Lynn Burnum (not verified) : May 7, 2015 4:15pm

This has been ramped up under Obama. Not surprising, not the first illegal thing the man has done!

Submitted by Cora (not verified) : May 7, 2015 5:07pm


why are you still stuck on the past, you sound just like the president and all his flunkies in the democratic party.
The only question is, why this administration has not only continued this invasion of privacy, but enhanced it, along with the drone strikes, while continuing to blame an administration that has not existed since six years ago.

Submitted by sergio noble (not verified) : May 7, 2015 5:21pm

The choice is simple. Follow the Constitution or change it. As it is now, the constitution is just ignored; a pesky document that constrains government. Freedom and liberty are not enhanced by government control. Do we have dangers in America? Yes. As Americans we must defend liberty and freedom. We can take care of the dangers without giving up our God given rights.

Submitted by Carlo Sparks (not verified) : May 7, 2015 7:56pm

The info is there, and when terra-bytes can be stored on the micro chips, where does the info collection stop. Every phone call, every click of the mouse, say on a news article on the home page, gets recorded on some computer. We live in weird times, and I blame society, we vote for the people who run this country. Obama will be out in a short while. The right wing hated him partly because he is part black, and he won the election. A lot of Dems are angry at him because so much of what he did, was run with things started by or continued by Republican presidents or congress persons. Fox, Hannity, and the ilk, praised a program when it was republicans in power, when Obama carried it on (bail outs etc) then it suddenly became terrible. This whole country needs to sit back and take a deep breath and quit blaming the other guy for the mess we are in and try to work together to come up with what is good for the community, and not just good for the Koch brothers and the wealthy.

Back on track, the NSA is responsible for security, we have many in this country who read propaganda on the internet and a few try to help the enemy. The NSA should have the right to have a computer match up connections between one contact to a suspicious contact and save it then dump all the rest permanently. Not just save every single phone call, processed by every phone company in the country.

Submitted by Dan Nardinger (not verified) : May 9, 2015 4:04pm

collecting information on people when there is some sort of reasonable cause or information from another source that they may be a threat or assisting those who are is one thing. the NSA was/is collecting on people who had no connection at all to anyone or any organization that poses a possible threat to US interests. even the NSA couldn't justify some of the people they were spying on which makes one wonder what they were using all that extra information for?

Submitted by woodcat (not verified) : May 9, 2015 4:28pm