The American Legion Law Enforcement Career Academy (ALLECA) has been in existence since 1981 and is a partnered program between the Arizona Department of Public Safety (AZ DPS) and The American Legion-Department of Arizona. The American Legion believes that our young people have a strong sense of patriotism and a high regard for Law and Order. The objective of ALLECA is to provide a first-hand look at the role of a police officer and military member in promoting and safeguarding America’s freedom and rights. This could be described as a one-week mini-police academy or military boot camp. Sessions are planned annually during summer vacation. Discipline is strict with vigorous physical training, running, and calisthenics included. Obstacle courses and defensive tactics are planned. The ALLECA program is not a “boot camp” or a camp for problem or incorrigible, unmanageable teens. Various government and criminal justice officials will be guest speakers.
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