The marker consists of a rectangular stone pedestal topped by a gravestone-shaped slab. The front of the monument depicts the emblem for the South Carolina Confederate Centennial Commission, featuring the Confederate battle flag and the state flag of South Carolina. The Battle of Averasboro (March 19-21, 1865) was the first battle where Confederates tried unsuccessfully to deter Sherman's advance from Fayetteville to Virginia. The dedication of this monument was part of a larger ceremony commemorating the Battle of Averasboro, which included participants from 15 states and over 2000 spectators.
Installation Date:
20 Mar 1965
Organization Responsible for Installation:
South Carolina Confederate War Centennial Commission
Memorial War Era(s):
- Other
Memorial Condition:
The memorial sits to the left of the wrought iron fence that encloses Chicora Civil War Cemetery at the Averasboro Battlefield site (NC Highway 82, also known as Burnett Road) located near Dunn, NC.