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Should the U.S. government be able to access email and phone records to hunt terrorists or identify other security threats?

Yes. National security is more important than personal privacy in today’s war on terror.
22% (445 votes)
Conditionally. Intelligence officials should only be allowed to access personal computers in rare cases, with judicial authoriza
37% (743 votes)
Only to gather evidence. Government should only be allowed to access personal computers with a warrant, after an arrest is made.
22% (443 votes)
No. The government should not be allowed to hack into personal computers at all.
18% (358 votes)
Total votes: 1989



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After 911 everyone wanted to give the government the tools necessary to aid in the war on terrorism. We did so with the full faith and trust that the government would use these tools in a Constitutional manner. The latest revelations about the data mining schemes on every American far exceeds the purpose of the Patriot Act. One of the things we cherish most in this country is our privacy and now our own government is telling us that we are no longer entitled to these freedoms anymore. Now more than ever we need to downsize government!

Submitted by Steven Tapper : Jun 13, 2013 9:28pm

I think one by one our rights and privelages are being taken from us. As a vetran of Vietnam,we need to speake loud and long,and stand up for what we have earned and for what is right.

Submitted by BraveWarrier : Jun 14, 2013 10:46am

It ought to be conditional perhaps when there is a justification for overruling privacy needs.

Submitted by http://www.clin... (not verified) : Jan 10, 2014 7:55am

How can I contact to obtain this data? I am looking to do research for my company.

Thanks in advance,

Submitted by (not verified) : Sep 19, 2014 6:22pm