Boys State/Boys Nation 2016

Boys State/Boys Nation 2016

California Area 1, District 6, American Legion Post 383

The American Legion Boys State is a unique educational program of government instruction for U.S. high school students completing their junior year. Each state has its own Boys State. It is a program in which students experience the operation of local, county and state government. Boys State activities include participation in legislative sessions and varied activities which deepen their understanding of the fundamentals of government from the township to the state level, along with recreational activities that help foster close friendships among the young men.
In 2016, American Legion posts statewide sponsored 989 delegates to gain practical experience in state government. For one week this summer, the California Boys State delegates convened at California State University, Sacramento, for this experiential learning opportunity.
District 6 American Legion Post 383, Fair Oaks, sponsored two outstanding delegates to California Boys State 2016: Paul Boucher from Casa Roble High School, Orangevale, and Samuel Spinner from Belle Vista High School, Fair Oaks.
Sam achieved the ultimate success at California Boys State. being elected by his peers to the office of California Boys State Governor, an astounding achievement for any delegate. Sam then went on to be one of two delegates selected by a committee of counselors to represent California at Boys Nation in Washington, D.C. (the other delegate was Joseph Lerdal, from St. Ignatius Preparatory, San Francisco, sponsored by American Legion Post 510). In Washington, Sam once again participated in a hands-on learning experience, this time receiving an education on the structure and function of federal government.
Boys Nation graduates, as well as Boys State graduates, have been elected to public office, including presidents, congressmen, state governors and state legislators. We may one day see Sam Spinner, Paul Boucher and other American Legion Boys State and Boys Nation graduates in public office representing the American people.
After only a few days at Boys Nation, when asked to comment on his experience, Sam responded in part: “Boys Nation is going extremely well… Aside from the legislative experience … I have also gained a deeper appreciation regarding service and what it means to be a veteran.… Our tour to the Capitol Mall was a somber and impactful experience. The most influential monument in my opinion was the black reflective wall that honors the troops lost in Vietnam. Ultimately, this experience is fostering a broadened knowledge of government and its role in citizenship…Please convey to the people of Post 383 my immense gratitude. The motto of Boys Nation is, "A week that shapes a lifetime." It has truly been one of the most formative experiences of my life, and I will not take for granted the continued sacrifice the American Legion undergoes to provide young men like me with the gift of opportunity and drastic personal growth.”
Sam Spinner’s response clearly shows the caliber of students we have representing California American Legion Area 1, District 6, Post 383, at Boys State and Boys Nation. Kudos are well deserved for their outstanding achievement and love of country.
The American Legion Boys State and Boys Nation educational programs foster Americanism at its very best. American Legion posts across the nation involved in this patriotic endeavor truly help shape the lives of our future leaders.

Written by Ben and Sheila LaPolla
Ben LaPolla, Past Commander
Boys State Chairman 2016
Sheila LaPolla, American Legion Auxiliary
American Legion Post 383/Unit 383
Fair Oaks, California
Boys State Selection Committee:
Mark Rice, Commander Post 383
Joshua Baker, Vice-Commander Post 383
Ben LaPolla, Boys State Chairman Post 383