
Number of trained and accredited American Legion service officers who provide free benefits and claims application services for veterans and their families.



Approximate number of veterans receiving free disability claims assistance at any time free of charge by trained and accredited American Legion service officers nationwide.



Potential amount of one American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance grant to help military and veteran families cover the cost of basic household needs during a crisis.



Amount in American Legion Temporary Assistance cash grants awarded to military and veteran families who lost everything after Hurricane Harvey in 2017.



Average amount in annual American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance grants awarded between 2012 and 2016. 



Approximate amount in cash grants issued from The American Legion Endowment Fund and Veterans & Children Foundation to families in need since 1925.



Approximate amount in American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance grants urgently distributed in one month to 1,713 junior enlisted members of the U.S. Coast Guard with children at home who had a 35-day pay delay due to the January 2019 government shutdown.



Fundraising goal to make the American Legion Veterans & Children’s Foundation sustainable for the future.