Last Chance, A U.S. Airman's Story

Category: Books

To my knowledge "Last Chance, a U.S. Airman's Story" is the only book published about the ground based airmen who served during the Vietnam Conflict. The book has elements of every human emotion - sadness, happiness, fear, anger, disgust, surprise - and some stories will have you rolling with laughter. The book is full of history and would be of interest to anyone that is or was in the military.

This Page Intentionally Left Back FM 101 Knuckleheads

Category: Books

I’d been with the battalion for a year or so when I met the dumbest kid I’ve ever known (who wasn’t medically diagnosed as “mentally challenged,” that is). This knuckleheaded soldier working in the proscribed load list (PLL or shop office) was the kind of soldier who’d ask his sergeant, “What time is the fifteen hundred formation?” One time my shop got the mission to provide one soldier for a range detail, which is normally a rather monotonous detail in which a soldier assists...

GAME ON! The Nicaraguan War Chronicles Book 1

Category: Books

The United States of America has not won a war since WWII. There exists no public record of some clandestine actions. They are still denied. To some men who bear the physical and emotional scars of those hush-hush missions, bitter memories are etched deep. For some, not a day goes by without remembering the heat of battle. The hope of easing anguish far outweighs facing possible censorship and public ridicule. This is one man’s story who served on the Nicaraguan Defense Mission.

Turbulent Waters

Category: Books

You thought CAPTAIN PHILLIPS, starring Tom Hanks, was a blockbuster? Try TURBULENT WATERS, the new action/suspense thriller based on true events in hardcopy and eBook for a supernova of a ride!

Diary of a Vet's Wife, Loving and Living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Category: Books

The sound of shattering glass severed the silence. Eyes wide in terror, I searched the darkness, paralyzed in fear. Streaks of streetlight edged the mini-blinds, no prowling shadows outside the windows. Slipping out of bed, I tiptoed across the bare wood floor. Pounding blood echoed in my ears. I made my way to the doorway and edged out into the hall. With my back tight to the wall I inched forward, straining to hear any sound or movement. There...a muffled noise...behind my bedroom door...

Born An American

Category: Poetry

My poem turned award winning song (Forever An American)

Golden Ghetto: How the Americans & French Fell In & Out of Love During the Cold War

Category: Books

Considering the suspicions, jealousies, bigotry, and crass opportunism inherent whenever one foreign power occupies another, Golden Ghetto: How the Americans and French Fell In and Out of Love During the Cold War pieces together an improbable tale of how fear and skepticism were crushed by trust and friendship.

Taps for Reb Walt

Category: Personal Experiences

I was unable to attend the stone setting for my friend Walter Wolf this past Sunday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "Walt, please accept these words in place of my absence."


Category: Books

"Puff" is a biography of World War II veteran, Heinz G. Puff, who served with the 32nd Division in the South Pacific. His own story, as told to author Paul Devantier, recounts his immigration to the United States, his war years, his professional career as a Milwaukee, Wisconsin police officer, his marriage and family, his retirement in northern Wisconsin, and the unusual twist of having a brother who ended up on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list.

In Tribute to Veterans

Category: Personal Experiences

“We stand on the backs of their sacrifice. Their history is our tradition, as long as there are Americans to remember...”
