5B4AIT's picture

Dear fellow Ham Operators

I am looking for licensed Ham Radio operators with long time experience in shortwave propagation who can help me with authentication and verfification of a simulation software I have built.
Since most of our shortwave band today is full of RFI and QRM from man made noise such as Internet broadband, electronic devices, switched AC adapters etc it is almost impossible to work shortwave Amateur Radio unless you are located in a rural area with massive antennas. Many old timers live in a block of flats and have given up antennas for various reasons. It could be that they cannot get an antenna permit or that they simply can't afford big yagi antennas. This was my case. I moved to a small town and tried to use my Ham Rig. To my fear I had 5/9+ QRM on all bands. Therefore I started developing HamSphere which is a fully realistic Ham Radio Simulation with real NEC modelled antennas, SDR based USB/LSB modulation and fully realistic multipath distortion. What I need is a couple of volunteers that can try a few of the modelled antennas to verify that the system feels authentic and relastic of its look and feel. Please contact admin@hamsphere.com or visit the website www.hamsphere.com

Please mark your email with "Shortwave experience" and I shall reply accordingly

Kind regards