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The head of the Iranian Navy announced that a flotilla of Iranian ships "is approaching the United States' maritime borders."

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I don't know the best response to this: keep a very close eye on them; but unless they enter our waters(less than 12-miles off shore) what can we legally do? I know most of us would like to run them off/way,way off but do we have the right to disrupt the freedom of the seas on what they may one day try and pull?? We are lookin' at pretty much a "no win" deal. Can we do them? Of course we can. Should we kill those ships/men? Don't know, that's way above my pay-grade!!

Submitted by Old Man from th... (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 2:38pm

if they cross the 12 mark I would hope Obama has the balls to blow them out of the water!

Submitted by George Newman (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 3:07pm

Dont count on it.

Submitted by Eaglestrike (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 6:22pm

That is the big 64 dollar question.Our STUPID so called leader wouldn't say
crap even if he had a mouth full of it. What is the matter with all of those
idiots in DC????

Submitted by Donald T. (not verified) : Feb 14, 2014 6:43am

He (Obama) did take out Bin Laden, and other key Al Quaeda leaders!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Feb 14, 2014 8:28am

He didn't do anything but report it was done.

Submitted by phillip schrader (not verified) : Feb 14, 2014 11:25am

I say let them come on in and we meet them at the beach for a pig roast!

Submitted by Roger T. (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 3:19pm

Just curious of what does a flotilla consist? And do we have to rely on the Iranians to tell us they are coming, we do have the NSA correct. Maybe it's one of their gambling cruises. Atlantic City watch out. LOL.

Submitted by Albert Palmer Short (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 4:55pm

Considering the fact that only two rust buckets manned by academy cadets are headed this way I see no need for concern unless you happened to be one of the unfortunates on board.

Submitted by John Snow (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 6:20pm

Why don't we have a couple of carriers and all there escorts start getting in the way, either way we are sure to find out there intentions before the cross the barrier

Submitted by Harold (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 6:26pm

I disagree with the above comment and do know each and every person can think the way they want to. But we as a proud nation need to scramble a carrier group to the area just to let them know we mean to protect this great nation at all costs. We all know they are just trying to see how far we will go. And if they cross the line then we take care of business.

Submitted by Patrick M. Kitk... (not verified) : Feb 14, 2014 11:35am

It is not without precedence. I recall somewhere reading of German boats parked off the east coast sinking numerous ships and killing merchant sailors during the early 1900's. Is this much different (why limit or tie it to the nuclear option)?

Submitted by RW0r1d (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 2:54pm

That would have been World War I or World War II. Prior to WWII we shipped arms to the UK and gave them 50 destroyers not something the Germans regarded as friendly. However the Iranians have attacked US and UK ships including warships in the Persian Gulf with no war declared.

Submitted by Freeman Shell (not verified) : Feb 14, 2014 12:20am

Mr. Shell: I kind of consider 9/11 as a pretty direct statement of war. Don't mean to pick a fight, just sayin'

Submitted by Old Man from th... (not verified) : Feb 14, 2014 12:03pm

We should be on alert and ready in case they try to do something stupid.

Submitted by Je (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 2:57pm

Speak softly but carry a BIG stick............

Submitted by Wayngo (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 3:02pm

Jam their comms mid ocean and sink them... Great target practice for our Seawolf class..LOL

Submitted by EJCox (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 6:16pm

shock and awe

Submitted by willcat (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 3:08pm

Follow the bastards around locked and loaded. See if you can cause them to make a mistake. Freedom of the seas is freedom for everyone. Have the Chinese been so indulgent in the South China Sea or the Philippines?

Submitted by Capone (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 3:10pm

U.S. Territorial waters extend to the end of the Continental Shelf, Not confined to so called International waters from coast to 10 NM out
No problem - send acft carrier to observe at the end of the shelf. About 275NM out depending on the area. It is not a straight line.

Submitted by richard ferrell (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 3:22pm

there has probably been at least one attack sub following them around ever since they left their port. If they are even thinking about causing problems blow them out of the water. any survivors have a beach barbeque of roasted pig. tell them it is our way of welcoming visitors.

Submitted by Lorie (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 3:28pm

If we wait for our President to do anything- good luck.
I would meet them with what a real fleet looks like.

Submitted by larry lillo (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 3:31pm

I am more concerned that the Obama administration will take no action at all!!

Submitted by Billyjack (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 3:33pm

I'm worried he might apologize for having borders so far offshore. He will then issue an executive order to move the limits close enough that he can walk out and greet them.

WWRD (What Would Reagan Do?)

Submitted by WWRD (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 7:14pm

Ole Hickry said, we can take'em by surprise if we don't fire our muskets till we look'em in the eyes. We stood quite still till we see the faces well, then we opened up the squirrel guns and really gave'em well. Yeah, get ready, but just hold on till they come a little closer. Then come in behind 'em.

Submitted by puff90 (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 3:34pm

It is for good reason they are approaching the US, they need someone to rescue them when their ships are in Davy Jone's Locker...

Submitted by Anthony Cox (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 3:44pm

I guess if they keep coming we will find out where that "line in the sand they don't dare cross" is located. Hope it's not in Arizona.

Submitted by Sherm Ploeger (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 3:52pm

Don't forget to SHOOT FIRST!
Don't let them near our ships NOR our shores!
Sink one of their vessels and send a "message" that we are not weak, and will not tolerate them sending 1, let alone many ships to TEST us.
Go Navy!

Submitted by Sailor Ron in FLA (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 3:58pm

I'm with most of the rest, wait til they make their move. But, I'd like to have my finger on the trigger

Submitted by Cowboy Steve (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 4:08pm

What are we waiting for?????

Submitted by bejay (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 5:00pm

Don't the US maintain a 200 mile limit and not the 12 noted above? If not keep them out past 200.

Submitted by Johnny B (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 5:09pm

Don't the US maintain a 200 mile limit and not the 12 noted above? If not keep them out past 200.

Submitted by Johnny B (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 5:11pm

If they get stupid then sink them, and leave the survivors to fend for themselves. If they don't then give them one warning to turn around before entering our territorial waters, and if they don't then sink them. Whatever they do, and we do, video it all, and broadcast it to Iran and on the internet as a lesson to our enemies to beware.

Submitted by Dr. Clifford Ne... (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 6:10pm

My only concern is what will we do when they all defect and we have to return their decrepit boats to them?

These folks probably have and attack sub on their six and would be sunk so quickly that they pose no threat to anything or anyone..

Submitted by EJCox (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 6:14pm

On the one hand it doesn't worry me at all. But after reading "One Second After" by William Forstchen I would watch them very, very closely. This book is almost required reading, it's fiction but could very, very easily become historical. It will just scare the hell out of you.

Submitted by wingrider6 : Feb 13, 2014 6:34pm

Invite them to a port call and weekend trip to Las Vegas. Most of the sailors will defect. Great PR coup for the US. Then use the rust buckets for target practice.

Submitted by Richard Oberreiter (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 7:33pm

They're all religious nut-jobs. Just doing this for domestic issues related to the nuclear talks. I would say just monitor them until they get tired of this foolishness and go home. No international incident unless we have to.

Submitted by tubesaft tim (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 9:35pm

What if they never returned home to Iran? someting about a Triangle!!

Submitted by Bronco (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 10:48pm

Iran is a country that we as Americans have known for years can't be trusted and for us to set back doing nothing while they approach our boundaries is probably the most stupid thing we can do or have done since Pearl Harbor.
!. Provide a search on all their ships for weapons with warheads. If they have them onboard any one ship, we need to closely monitor their return to their own countries waters or see all their weapons are disarmed to the point of self destruction if tried to use, without further question.
2. If they don't have weapons with warheads treat them as we treat all visting country vistors. With one eye open at all times.
3. If they object to our search. We have to assume they have warheads onboard and have some reason to enter our waters other than friendship. Therefore we need to take approate action and I don't think I have to explain what that means!!!

Submitted by Rusty (not verified) : Feb 13, 2014 11:43pm

I would harass the hell out of them. Ping 'em, flyovers, anything to keep them up all the time; make them NEVER want to travel this way again! Of course, our President will probably issue a "stern warning".
I wonder when people will realize that the ONLY thing they respect is POWER! But even that is worthless unless your opponent knows you WILL USE IT!!

Submitted by John Bunnell (not verified) : Feb 14, 2014 11:15am


Submitted by JOHN CUNEO (not verified) : Feb 14, 2014 1:22pm

Think about this. Wouldn't you think that our nuclear submarines are under them already? Just ready to pounce. And if they did cause a problem, that they would make it home? There are 14 other avenues of action that I can think of that would well handle their flotilla,escape routes , their personal outcome, and their country.

Submitted by In the know (not verified) : Feb 14, 2014 3:27pm

Actually, it is laughable -- for the consumption of the Iranian populace by/for the revolutionary guard. Not only are the vessels of a different age, but logistically they cannot even refuel without stopping at a port. It will be interesting to see what "approaching" means; the boundary of the Indian Ocean? Threat of zero, news of zero - a big zero and not even a story, except to the 24-hour news cycle trying to fill air space.

Submitted by Brian Ferg (not verified) : Feb 14, 2014 8:54pm

Actually, it is laughable -- for the consumption of the Iranian populace by/for the revolutionary guard. Not only are the vessels of a different age, but logistically they cannot even refuel without stopping at a port. It will be interesting to see what "approaching" means; the boundary of the Indian Ocean? Threat of zero, news of zero - a big zero and not even a story, except to the 24-hour news cycle trying to fill air space.

Submitted by Brian Ferg (not verified) : Feb 14, 2014 8:54pm

Let them play the game now. If they went this far, how far will they go in the future. Need to make an example out of them if they enter our waters.

Submitted by rsperos (not verified) : Feb 15, 2014 1:56am