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How satisfied are you with the president’s plan to reduce the federal deficit?

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The PRESIDENT is not Fulfilling his DUTIES at all.He his campaigning and DEMO-GAUGING.If he is concerned about the deficit he would cut immediately all CZARS bring all troops back to the US and demand payment from foreign countries repayment for all overseas contingency operations.He would immediately start DRILLING OIL in the GULF and ANWAR and Fracking in the Continental US

Submitted by chinookk50 : Apr 14, 2011 10:57am

President Obama Budget Is better than the the Republican are trying to get pass. The Republican want to take everything from the Old and the Poor and the Middle Class , will have nothing.

Submitted by rusty155 : Apr 14, 2011 4:00pm

The effort to reduce the deficit should be done carefully to avoid slowing the current growth. When a family has a debt you can slowly cut spending, try to increase revenue and pay off debt. You don't sell everything you have and live in the woods. We need responsible intelligent leadership. We had a surplus not that long ago and we can get there again slowly and carefully.

Submitted by Georgiajack : Apr 14, 2011 4:20pm

Czars? Do you even know what Czars are? Seriously? They are managers that help the president and the same "Titles" were used under George W. Bush except there were more of them!

I agree we should bring our troops home but we broke Iraq and we are indeed trying to get our buts out of there. Of course we could strong arm Afghanistan to pay us tribute or we could at least attempt to uphold American Values while trying to disrupt Al Qaeda.

Of course drilling in the most pristine places left on the planet will bring in some oil. Of course if one does not care about the planet or what the condition of it is when we leave it for our children then to hell with it. Let just plow everything under cover it up with asphalt, concrete and steel. We can all wear oxygen tanks for our bio-suits as we try to go about our daily lives.

Of course, the biggest cuts to the budget will be to "Entitlements" like VA Benefits but who cares, right? we should all be damn wealthy by now and if you are not

Submitted by jimpajaro : Apr 14, 2011 4:29pm

I think he could have cut a little deeper into the Pentagon money. We call it the Defence Dept but to the contractors it seems to be the Aggression Dept. It is the fastest way to lower the deficit. AND really the easiest.

Submitted by frankcates : Apr 14, 2011 4:53pm

If the president and all of Congress were really serious about reducing the debt why has there been no discussion of reducing their pay and stopping their automatic pay raises for say a year?
All they ever want to do is make up the difference by take the money from us citizens!!!
We don't cause of the debt, because we aren't the ones making the decisions to spend the money, so why should we be the ones who always have to make up the difference?

Submitted by Edziu : Apr 14, 2011 5:26pm

Washington does not have a tax problem, it has a spending problem. It operates innefficiently continually expecting different results. Our legislators think the retirees on social security are draining the system, and yet, we paid into it all of our working life while they, as public servants, have only collected from it. Washington treats the middle class like its own personal A.T.M. machine without regard for the hardships they impose on us as though they themselves were immune from their own rules and regulations. They created the deficit, they should have their pay and benefits reduced as well for creating this mess. They appear more concerned with who has power than with how to balance the budget. Each wants to reward their supporters at the expense of those who work and with more work being sent to offshore companies, that leaves less here at home who actually pay taxes. It is time to look inward starting with the top and working your way down through the ranks-not the bottom up.

Submitted by Charles Carter : Apr 14, 2011 5:34pm

Here Mr. President, for your consideration, are items that drain our national economy:
1)The continual wars against terror with no end in sight. Read that, military spending, not VA benefits.
2)NASA's search for life in planetary systems beyond the reach of any manned travel. Do you know how far a light year is?
3)Golden parachutes and automatic pay raises for Congress and the Senate. Artificial inflation of government pensions allowing unused vacation and sick time to pad salaries that pensions are based on.
4)Bring home construction Compainies rebuilding Iraq and put them to work creating jobs here repairing our own infrastructure.
5)Keep our military active patrolling our southern border instead of the one with Pakistan.
6)Deport illegal immigrant criminals, don't support them in our jails.
7)Does the first lady really need over a hundred personal assistants?
Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results despite cutbacks is the real problem.

Submitted by Charles Carter : Apr 14, 2011 5:48pm

I think we should do away with giving government a retirment payment after 5 years service. Make them do 20
or find another job...5 year pensions should be reserved for combat troops who served in action. The gov's benefits are out of control and voting in their own pay raises is absolutely ludacris. Their pay should be halved or quartered judging by the performance I am witnessing.

Submitted by tiredpatriot : Apr 14, 2011 7:03pm

"[T]he president's plan...."

Plan? What plan?

Simpson-Bowles came up with a plan. The president avoided just about everything in it. So did the rest of the smoke-blowers, butt-kissers, prolific-panderers, and porkulus-promoters down there inside the Beltway.

Submitted by piafredux : Apr 14, 2011 7:47pm

Most folks above share my view on this subject, particularly both comments by Charles Carter. Here's another way to start reductions; Salary of the US President...$400,000. Salary of retired US Presidents...$180,000. Salary of House/Senate,$174,000- Salary of Speaker of House,$223,500-Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders,$193,400- Average US Salary...$33,000 to $77,000. HELLO! That's without consideration to "expense accounts"! I think a 30 percent reduction in these salaries for failure to perform would be about right but, how do I really feel?....Government today announced it is changing its emblem from the eagle to a CONDOM because it better reflects the Government's political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of Dicks & gives you a sense of security while you are being screwed. Sorry, but that's how I feel! Leave my Social Security alone! I put it there....It's MY money!

Submitted by Bob1 : Apr 15, 2011 5:02am

Most folks above share my view on this subject, particularly both comments by Charles Carter. Here's another way to start reductions; Salary of the US President...$400,000. Salary of retired US Presidents...$180,000. Salary of House/Senate,$174,000- Salary of Speaker of House,$223,500-Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders,$193,400- Average US Salary...$33,000 to $77,000. HELLO! That's without consideration to "expense accounts"! I think a 30 percent reduction in these salaries for failure to perform would be about right but, how do I really feel?....Government today announced it is changing its emblem from the eagle to a CONDOM because it better reflects the Government's political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of Dicks & gives you a sense of security while you are being screwed. Sorry, but that's how I feel! Leave my Social Security alone! I put it there....It's MY money!

Submitted by Bob1 : Apr 15, 2011 5:02am

This section should be large enough for me to quote this part of the Declaration of Independence property, However........."We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights,... Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes DESTRUCTIVE of these ends, it is the RIGHT of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness....... I think our ELECTED officials should have to recite this from memory!

Submitted by Bob1 : Apr 15, 2011 5:24am

Salary of the US President...$400,000. Salary of retired US Presidents...$180,000. Salary of House/ Senate...$174,000. Salary of Speaker of House...$223,500....Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders...$193,400..Average US Salary...$33,000 to $77,000. HELLO! Salary of an average US soldier is $850 every 2 weeks!!!! I think we found where the cuts should be made!

Submitted by jcfichtner : Apr 15, 2011 10:09am

Great comments thank god there's still some red blooded Americans out there!! Cut everyone in Washington pay NOW!!!

Submitted by Sooners61 : Apr 15, 2011 10:27am

Let's hope that the people wanting draconian cuts to entitlements never see their VA Benefits slashed again. It's a good thing we have Veteran's Unions to help protect our benefits, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Viet Nam Vets, etc. This tough talk about the wealthiest not getting tax increases will hurt everyone. As for jobs, people like me who have two small businesses create jobs while wealthy people have not for over 8-years during George W. It's telling when you have a president who is in office for such a short time has created twice as many jobs as George W. did in eight long years! So why all this bs? Everyone has their own take on it but mostly it's emotional and therefore seldom reasonable. It used to be during previous Republican administrations you could say their byline was "Don't Confuse Me With The Facts, I've already Made Up My Mind." But today it's more about "Confusing People With Made Up Fact!"

Submitted by jimpajaro : Apr 15, 2011 11:10am

The government doesn't creat anything it only takes money from one source and gives it to another

Submitted by tommyB : Apr 20, 2011 6:57pm

Yes, let's cut everyone's pay in Washington! When we make it so only the wealthy can afford to live in Washington then we will have the best senators and congressmen money can buy! At least then we'll know for sure who is for the people or just the wealthy.

Submitted by jimpajaro : Apr 15, 2011 11:13am

I agree with Mr. Carter the government has a spending problem, a very grave spending problem that will not heal itself without real effort by our Congress-critters to halt their spendthrift ways. One certain way to cut government spending is to consolidate the bureaucracy, eliminate duplicated efforts and the inflated payroll costs resultant from those redundant departments. Ending the wars we are already involved in rather than starting yet another war would have indicated the President and Congress were serious about the Budget rather than continuing to spend money that isn't there. Instead, of demonstrating any desire to halt spending money they (we) don't have, the President and much of Congress demand they be allowed to borrow even more money so they can continue to spend like drunks at the county fair. There is enough blame to go around. Shame on both Houses, Parties and the President for pretending the government can spend its way out of debt. Robert Ireland - Post 174 (PUFL)

Submitted by Bob95490 : Apr 16, 2011 3:50pm

jimpajaro, you made a excellent point. Most members of congress are people who could easily make more money by being employed in the private sector.

Submitted by hoightoider : Apr 16, 2011 9:14pm

Not our fault,nope, nope, nope. It is all George Bush's fault, yep, yep, yep. Republicans want to kill grandma, hate veterans and starve children. From an independent, please cut the cr-p.

Submitted by neatgram : Apr 17, 2011 6:48pm

Once again Washington show its true colors. They take all the money and expect those who cannot do for themselves to make all the sacrifices. The proceed to change the GI Bill in mid stream making the veteran suffer more, that raise medicare, lower social security, and yet maintain ALL of their self given benefits. I have yet to see on congressman or senator offer to cut his or her pay or actually pay for their health benefits, or contribute to social security or any other federal retirement plan. The same old same old. Way to to tea party and republilcans

Submitted by gentle : Apr 20, 2011 8:13am

Surely you jest, what plan would that be? 51% of the population pays no federal income tax. We are becoming a country of givers and takers. Everyone should have skin in the game. It sure is an easy choice to support tax increases on everyone, when you pay none yourself. and if you're feeling guilty about the amount you earn thye treasury will always accept more. Obama plays the class warfare game excellently. He convinces his constituants that their life will be so much better if others would only just pay their fare share, Just what is their fair share?Jsut so all know, I'm not a wealthy individual with the proverbial silver spoon. I'm a retired Navy Chief that saved his money and is working a second carrer. I'm comfortable, but i worked hard and lived within my means to get this way. Once again, just what is my fair share?????

Submitted by kenbtc : Jun 2, 2011 11:19pm