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As the anniversary of 9/11 approaches, how confident are you that America is safe from a terrorist attack on our own soil?

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I have no confidence in this President. He projects weakness to the world and every 3rd rate dictator is taking advantage of this and attacking us or provoking us. I am afraid we won't make it safely to the next election.

Submitted by Alice Kobylack (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 2:56pm

I agree with Alice!!
We have a weak President, and shame on those that voted for our wannabee Golfing President.

Submitted by Jim Hart "Viet... (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 5:38pm

It is only a matter of time until the US suffers a major cataclysmic terrorist attack within our borders.

Submitted by Jim T (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 3:46pm

I'm a Vietnam Vet (78 years old)and I feel that the President and on down thru Congress and house politicians have ruined our security totally. I do not want to be living in the future once all those Communists and young people who cant see how things really are in todays world finally "See The Light" so to speak, when we in the U.S. are taken over by other countries who are secretly and slowly taking over our freedom at this moment. People who now believe our govt is doing the right thing, etc will finally "Realize" they have been fooled and will regret it as time goes on and finally realize "IT'S TOO LATE" and nothing can help them....

Submitted by fred royall (not verified) : Sep 11, 2014 10:04am

The terrorist do not have to come here. Look how much freedom we have lost by action of our government in the name of protecting us. I honestly believe our biggest thread is from our U.S. Government at the current time.

Submitted by Alton R (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 4:03pm

I'm sorry to say but I agree with you Alton.

Submitted by Milt (not verified) : Sep 7, 2014 4:43pm

Terrorist can strike anywhere anytime.

Submitted by Jerry F (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 4:28pm

I believe that Obama will be our last elected president, because there is going to be a cataclysmic terrorist attack, he is going to declare martial law & remain president until the end of time.

Submitted by Alphonso J. (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 4:35pm

A cataclysmic terrorist attack, planned and executed by the present administration, to "justify" just those results.

Submitted by John S. (not verified) : Sep 6, 2014 1:29pm

It was in 1683 that the Muslim Nation fought to dominate the world. It just so happens that their biggest battle happened on 11 Sep. 1683 - Historical movie "Day of the Siege" - they breached the "Gateway to the West" Vienna.

The way things are now I feel is a direct result of Obama's pacifist views and more directly to his release of the terrorists to get bergdal back. As we can recall that the ISIS battles thrust into action and have not slowed VERY shortly after that trade was made. There is no way that those 5 scum are not involved.

I feel that this September may be a bad time for us.

Submitted by SSG(ret) M Dube (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 4:38pm

YEP,agreed, lookout for 9 11, Aircraft ?

Submitted by Si Vermilyea Ms... (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 7:19pm

Don't forget the "OPEN BORDERS" to our country.Noone is being screened or checked.Americans cannot even find out where Obama is sending all of the illegal children.Plus, his actions speak volumes...he protects the muslims and hates the Christians, Americans, business owners, tax payers, military,
and school lunches!When are the American people going to wake up? He is one of them (Muslins) and that explains it all!

Submitted by Marcia White (not verified) : Sep 5, 2014 11:41am

It's only a matter of time now. we are sleepers not doing anything to change this. because the people want this to happen. as we give more play money to the others out side the USA. to use against us. we train them to fight against us. THANKS TO OBAMA

Submitted by Noel F (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 4:39pm

Our men and women are doing great. Y'all are just being paranoid. We have the largest, most effective, and bada$$ military/police force in the world. Have any organization hit U.S. soil again and lets see if we decided to actually bring out the big artillery.

Submitted by Matt Damon (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 5:29pm

You are as much a moron as our president ( Little P- president).
You EARN respect!!!

Submitted by No diddly (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 6:40pm

Thanks for the thoughtful comments. I'm a Iraq and Afghanistan veteran. I have seen what we can do. We are not a nation run by one man or woman. People aren't going to sit around and wait for the President to do something. I have full faith in those who are in position to make those decisions. Blame the President all you want, but we pay people to do these jobs that you claim Obama is suppose to be doing.

Submitted by Matt Damon (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 8:12pm

If you're a veteran, I'm the Queen of England

Submitted by Queen of England (not verified) : Sep 5, 2014 1:22am

Mr Damon,
I think what your fellow Veterans meant to say was, "Thank You for Your Service."

Submitted by Newbie (not verified) : Sep 5, 2014 10:45am

Yes...thank you for serving! But ask yourself "just how much could you do if your CO told you to stand down?". This President distains our Country...our Nation...the US of A! He feels we have used too much "force" and he does not want to anymore. He prides himself as the President that "ends wars"...not starts them. He is in over his head and we will suffer because of this. He has "disconnected" himself from anything other than Social Justice and his Golf Score.

Submitted by Stridelta10 (not verified) : Sep 6, 2014 7:53am

You must have forgotten about the Boston marathon bombings. This is a weak president and sorry leader.

Submitted by Johnny Yuma (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 9:44pm

That is true, but when the president and his attorney General wants to restrict the use of force that our police can use, leaves them with their hands tied. Living in a border town with the murder capital of the world just to the south of us I see it is too easy for foreign and even homegrown terrorist to train and carry out terrorist acts in Juarez Mexico. To top that, drive by a Border Patrol station and all you see is their patrol vehicles parked due to the budget constraints. When they put four agents in a single vehicle and expect them to cover a large area along the border leaves gaps that are not able to be patrolled. Why do you think the Governor of the Great State of Texas called up the Texas National Guard to assist in securing the border. He, at least saw a train wreck coming and is trying to reduce the damage while he can.

Submitted by Dave (not verified) : Sep 5, 2014 9:49am

The extremist are already hear and training and trying things out we have already had attacks on our soil and the News just ignores it or try's to call it what is not. The news tries to ignore it when some one is a Muslim extremist.

Submitted by Mike T (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 5:39pm

As long as the lifestyle of the rich and corrupt are maintained and the lobbyist continue to line the pockets of the corrupt "PUBLIC SERVANTS" we rapidly heading into a dead end road off a high cliff. As long as the little people continue to take the hits and it not affecting the elite in any way shape or form... nothing will ever change. Seems once politicians cross the Potomac River, they are poisoned. The country needs an politician enema, too many lifers in politics sponging off the lifetime benefits they don't earn, just check the attendance rolls, most of them couldn't be bothered to attend sessions... bought off by lobbyists not to attend?

I am sick to death of the media playing the race card and the administration stirring pot to keep attention off what they are really doing... and that my friends is destroying the country from within. Too many people are turning a blind eye to what is happening here, we are no longer the United States of America, we have become the United States of the OFFENDED and the divided.

I believe in helping those in need, real need, not laziness, and I will not condone nor support a hand out! Basically I'm peeing in the wind here, the problem is greater than one person can handle. Change will come when it becomes important to those affected. Mark my words people, You can't change people unless you change their environment, and change is coming, and you are not going to like it unless you wake up and take notice of your situation.

Submitted by Charles Boehnke (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 5:46pm

I agree with Charles.

Submitted by R. Villar (not verified) : Sep 5, 2014 8:52am

This current federal administration's policies constitute a major disaster on all fronts. Why should anyone be sanguine re their policies meant to protect us when they can't do anything else effectively?

Submitted by Emilio Aerjorn (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 6:03pm

I voted "other" and for this reason. All of the Negative reasons are valid, yet, I believe so long as I possess my firearms and a single round of ammo, Freedom and Liberty will Live.The Biggest threat to Liberty and Individual Rights in this Country is our own Govt. Anyone who disagrees with this Idea just ain't lookin'. Me? 2 hitches in 'Nam...just so you'll know where I'm coming from.

Submitted by Edwin Copeland (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 6:12pm

I voted "Other". Why? Because while "Not at all" is my feeling, the reason isn't because of a military decline but because the terrorists are already here, are being recruited here, and are being encouraged by de facto open borders and a foreign policy at war with itself.

Policy says ISIS is a problem, but ISIS was supported in Syria. Al queda is supposedly THE enemy, but received US support in Libya and Egypt. Iran was a friend, but betrayed which resulted in Iran becoming an enemy, but now things are warming as Iran is against ISIS (our Syrian friend and enemy in Iraq). We supported the Taliban in Afghanistan until they supported al queda (our friend in Libya and Egypt) and they became our enemy. That made Afghanistan a "friend" which hates us.

Policy in Washington has been so screwed up for so long by so many that it can't possibly be an accident. It is a plan and has been for quite some time. Managed chaos... and with each manufactured crisis the American people trade a bit of liberty for a bit of perceived security.

Submitted by S. AZ Vet (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 6:55pm

I am ashamed to admit; My greatest fear at this time is my own government. This administration's total disregard for the Constitution of the United States and efforts to remove God from every aspect of our society and open border policy has so undermined the very foundations of liberty and put our Country on a path to INTERNAL distruction.
The Obama White House has more respect for the Islamic Terorists than our men and women in uniform and would rather add more people to the welfare rolls for votes than increase or even maintain our current military strength.
Obama wants a 137% increase in the minimum wage and a 1% raise for the heros who sacrfice and die for our freedoms. Our enlisted personel need food stamps to survive and the welfare recipients pick up thier checks in Cadilacs.
Obama's policies are more dangerous than ISIS.

Submitted by Paul Butler (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 6:58pm

I agree 110% This country is already in the toilet... Keep your ammunition dry and ready to go....

Submitted by Semper Fi. (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 9:43pm

My fear is our gov. Is the enemy and they will cause our down fall. Obama is a whimp and shouldnt be our camander in chief.

Submitted by Cecilia Long (not verified) : Sep 4, 2014 10:32pm

I totally agree with Mr. Charles Boehnke, the United States of America needs to open their eyes and wake up soon. Because the people who is supposed to keep the fundamental principle of democracy and real freedom, are thinking with their pockets and not with their minds. The Nation needs more citizens and government personnel who really want to be involved with the compromise of building a New Nation, adopting goods ideas from the past. Then and only then we can believe that America will be safe.

Submitted by Sgt.(ret) C. Fe... (not verified) : Sep 5, 2014 12:12am

Matt you serve your country like I did, the negative comments are from people who claim to be U.S citizen the question is "DID YOU SERVE IN ENY ARM FORCES" like the queen of England It make me sick because they are quick to blame the person in charge what about the sorry politician are interesting in make money for them self do not support the arm forces and never serve, pardon they serve as weekend soldier. What we should do before we loose that litter freedom we have is change those politician and elect new ones and requirement to be elected are:
MAXIMUN OF TWO TERMS(reelected if he or she really do their job)

Submitted by romero m. (not verified) : Sep 5, 2014 7:03am

Prepare for Battle on the Home Front Folks because it is coming.And those who are saying it can't happen here...Well you've got your head deep in the sand.Don't look for help from me or others like wanted now you got it......BYE

Submitted by Manchu 4/9 (not verified) : Sep 5, 2014 9:00am

forgot to mention...Those of you who VOTED for Borrak Hussien Obama should Know,There is something to be said in A name..Why did he release (5) known Leaders of the Taliban,and why he is so very slow to react against ISIS..And many other comments he has said and done. Do you not SEE anything?????

Submitted by Manchu 4/9 (not verified) : Sep 5, 2014 9:22am

Annie Have you Got your gun ?Watchout for the missing jumbo jets and all the others that have gone missing.Why is our Marine still in A Mexican jail ? Why has something not been done on the border situation ? All these questions and no answers should say something about this Administration and the Senate and congress. No one Person is to Blame But ALL

Submitted by Manchu 4/9 (not verified) : Sep 5, 2014 10:26am

Your Marine is in jail for violating Mexican Law. He would also been in US Jail for violating 3 California Gun Laws Get your head out of FOX & CLUELESS FRIENDS ASS YOU PEOPLE ARE A DISGRACE TO THE AMERICAN LEGION.

Submitted by BATTMAN POST 2O KS (not verified) : Sep 6, 2014 12:36am

Our Marine? He's not your Marine too? Are you a vet? Maybe your browser misdirected you to the wrong web sight.

Submitted by H.S. (not verified) : Sep 11, 2014 11:26am

Hey Veterans Lets Start A Revalution.,,, with 8000,000 vets that could make for one Helluva war if we could pull together and do it.

Submitted by Manchu 4/9 (not verified) : Sep 5, 2014 11:38am

Go ahead, I'll join forces with the government. I always wanted to whack me some traitor terrorist TEAGAGGERS

Submitted by BATTMAN POST 20 (not verified) : Sep 6, 2014 12:40am

How are you going to do that? Didn't you turn your guns in at your local food stamps for firearms rally? When the government tries to turn the armed forces against its own people they may find out they are holding the short end of the stick. You may be fighting by yourself, without a firearm.

Submitted by Jobs Administ... (not verified) : Sep 10, 2014 11:09am

The government that governs least governs best.

Submitted by CWO USA (not verified) : Sep 5, 2014 9:55pm

Is this anti-government rhetoric officially supported by the American Legion?

After attending one meeting and visiting this online comment stream, I am seriously thinking about revoking my application.

Thanks for opening my eyes.

Submitted by Newbie (not verified) : Sep 6, 2014 12:42pm

If it happened before , it can happen again. We as a nation need a government that will make things happen. Not set back and worry if They are going to be re-elected . SET UP BETTER SAFE GUARDS AND LOOK CLOSER TO WHAT IS RTERALLY GOING ON NOW.

Submitted by william campbell (not verified) : Sep 7, 2014 12:51am

Not at all. Terrorists are recruiting within our own borders in order to strike again at some time, from within. With the U.S. military force reduction makes our nation more vulnerable than ever.

Submitted by Chris M. (not verified) : Sep 9, 2014 6:17pm

I wrote this day after 9/11 They destroyed our buildings of steel and glass, but we will rebuild and this horror will pass. - They stole the lives of our young and our old, but they failed, it just made us more bold - They said it's for Allah but they are blind and really don't know what's in God's mind - Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, we may worship a different name and no one is wrong and no one is right because they are one in the same - And he is a God of mercy and love, now in anguish and sorrow looking down from above - They though they would be in heaven with the last toll of the bell but instead a just God will see them in hell. Peter J. Moeller

Submitted by peter moeller (not verified) : Sep 10, 2014 12:14pm

As I watched our CiC on TV, I couldn't help but wonder" Does he have any idea how much it will cost in treasure and more importantly, in blood to try and 'contain' the current 'goat rope' in the middle east??" If anyone wants to question that 'containment' idea: Just have a talk with some old Nam Vets and see how that worked for them and their dead buddies! I agree, we need to do the best we can to put a severe beating on these wonderful human's(?) but who can we really work with on this mess? The Brit's will be there, but who else will 'march to sound of the guns' to help put an end to this madness??

Submitted by Old Grunt (not verified) : Sep 11, 2014 9:15am

I agree with all the above. Our Government Has to wake up and take hold of all these problems. We need a strong candidate for President. I am afraid we will fall short on both sides.

Submitted by Jack Rennaker t... (not verified) : Sep 15, 2014 8:23pm