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Should the United States lift sanctions against Iran if Iran suspends its nuclear weapons program?

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In 5000 years Iran has invaded not one country, we will have verification. Israel has 200 nukes and our latest aircraft to deliver them,subs,missiles,etc.
Israel tried to sink the USS Liberty killed and wounded hundreds of Americans.Jonthan Pollard Israeli spy is serving life who do you trust?

Submitted by Art Boyson (not verified) : Mar 5, 2015 4:20pm

Interesting comment about the Liberty. I wonder how many Americans remember this or have any idea of the fact that Israel attacked a US flagged ship and that no US forces ever responded to the aggression.

Submitted by Fred Schuster (not verified) : Mar 5, 2015 7:57pm

I remember. I also remember a lot of other odd, little known Historical facts like this. It is things like this that need to be put out there for all to see & Remember. History does us no good if you do not remember it. And those men that Died on the Liberty will have died in vain if we do not remember their sacrifice. Israel is still our greatest ally in the Middle East (IMO), but they are not perfect, & have made mistakes. As have we all.

Submitted by S.R. Wright (not verified) : Mar 27, 2015 6:52pm

If you could move one of these two countries to the US coastline, which would YOU choose?

Submitted by Matt Stahl (not verified) : Mar 9, 2015 7:18am

Israel keeps a hawkish attitude towards it's neighbors. Yes they have a right to exist but so do the Palestinians. Israel does not listen to us and goes it alone assuming the U. S. will protect them every time. They are dragging us down and need to settle their differences with Palestine first, then let's see if Iran and other Mid Eastern Nations back off threatening them. We are not any ones big brother and we need to concentrate solely on the illumination of terrorist the terrorist ISIS/ISIL. We can't keep letting Israel keep drawing our attention away from ridding the Mid East of these terrorist cells.

Submitted by John Storms (not verified) : Mar 5, 2015 4:33pm

I think we can walk and chew gum at the same time - in other words BOTH problems must be solved and unfortunately at the same time. This can only be done if the military isn't reduced to the bare bones, in case we need to use them. That, of course will be up to the next President, because this one sure is not going to solve either problem!!

Submitted by Roger S. (not verified) : Mar 5, 2015 5:03pm

I just wonder what you would be like if you had all of the countries around you that wanted to do away with you. I know I would become very protective and on the look out for problems from others. However, I see you as one of these liberals that only want peace at any expense.

Submitted by Tom Cat (not verified) : Mar 5, 2015 10:24pm

First of all, I am NOT a liberal!!! But I DO want peace at any expense. I'm not going to wait until we see a Nuke heading to the US, nor having Christians heads being cut off here in the US before we deal with these problems. OK?

Submitted by Roger S. (not verified) : Mar 6, 2015 10:01pm

Would you negotiate with someone who's ideology dictates that they can lie to anyone that are not converts to Islam and it is ok or that there would be no consequence? I would not trust them and will never trust them. They are undoubtedly evil and should never be trusted. They do not entrust the same moral or ethics of law abiding citizens.

Submitted by Rick Knight (not verified) : Mar 5, 2015 4:38pm

Only, and I mean only if Iran is true to there word I would consider lifting sanctions against them.And before that they must show loyalty to the Arab world.

Submitted by Mike B (not verified) : Mar 5, 2015 5:58pm

Iran has been killing US Military and Civilian Citizens since well before the take over of Our Embassy in 1979.Iran was also behind the Bombing of the Marine Corp Barracks in Lebanon killing 183 Marines the sectarian Violence in Lebanon the Creation of Hamas and Hezbollah.The destruction of Christianity in Lebanon destruction of the Vibrant Financial Center which Lebanon also Known as the Rivera of the Eastern Mediterranean.The Blowing up of the Kobar Towers killing US Military.The Blowing of the USS Cole off Lebanon.Behind the Blowing up of two US Embassies in Africa.The Kidnapping of Our Ambassador in Lebanon.The training of Al Sadar Shiite Militias to create Sectarian Violence in Iraq.The creation of Improvised Explosive Devices Killing and Dismembering 60percent of our KIA's and 80 Percent of our catastrophic causalities.The answer is NO never allow Iran to have any Nuclear Devices .

Submitted by Walter Zjawin (not verified) : Mar 5, 2015 6:06pm

All one has to do is review the past 50 years of history of Iran to decide their
trustworthyness. This Country has a record of hate for the United States, so
our Government should act accordingly.

Submitted by Charles Daugherty (not verified) : Mar 6, 2015 7:55am

If I hear one more knuckle-head in our State department refer to Irans nuclear program as one designed for peaceful purposes, I'm going to throw my beer mug at the television.
Being a retired utility worker, I ask where are the planning and design drawings,If providing power to the civilian population, engineering is essential to determine where the central office and and size of population their intending on feeding with all this new electricity. The other thing is all the heavy equipment and qualified crews to operate them, not to mention the ripping of ground to set poles,undergroud vaults and conduit. When you consider all the costs associated with this distribution, including cable, transformers,etc., these costs are astrinomical.
Can someone with a voice and media connections please bring this up and expose this farce?
No nukes for this murderous bunch of thugs.

Submitted by sergio noble (not verified) : Mar 7, 2015 8:21pm