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How has America’s national security changed since 9/11?

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It is far beyond time to tighten the shot group of the mayors of so called "Amnesty" cities. The security of the nation far out weighs the political agenda of a few liberal mayors. Chicago stands out as a bright shining example, especially with 2 major inter-state highways running from north to south through the heart of Illinois from the porous southern border. Further a retired state trooper has just written a novel that is being called far too real telling a story of Islamists in cahoots with drug cartel henchman. It is time to wake up rather than hand wringing after the fact of another 9-11 style attack or even worse

Submitted by mikedv733 : Sep 10, 2015 12:25pm

Today we mostly have to worry about getting shot on I-10 going through Phoenix.

Submitted by locolance (not verified) : Sep 10, 2015 3:49pm

I don't know whether America's national security is better now, but we didn't need in the '50's and 60's the security precautions that we have now and we felt more secure. If we get anymore National Security we on't be able to move.

Submitted by an octogenerian (not verified) : Sep 10, 2015 4:11pm

The world is a way different place than it was in the 50's and 60's, I lived through those periods, too. People are more evil today. I don't know what the answer is, or even if there IS one. We have lost our way. It's not going to be good.

Submitted by Cora (not verified) : Sep 10, 2015 4:45pm

Security is obviously better now because, unlike Bush, Obama has kept us safe.

Submitted by Pablo Sr. (not verified) : Sep 10, 2015 4:15pm

Oh, P L E A S E!!! Obama's Muslim buddies won't attack us as long as he's in power. They are birds of a feather. When he is gone (if that ever happens) watch out!

Submitted by Cora (not verified) : Sep 10, 2015 4:47pm

I feel sorry for you Cora you must be another Muslim Republican If every body remember where the Bushes and Chaney who created the situation we living it Bush father and Chaney did not finish what he star for personal interest and Bush son when to the wrong place to faith when he was told to go Afghanistan but he listen to Chaney and remember one more thin is the republican who star down size the military the politician have all the benefits

Submitted by miguel a r (not verified) : Sep 10, 2015 5:42pm

Pablo/Miguel, (clearly one and the same)

You're on a veterans website talking to veterans. We all know better. Get your citizenship, enlist, then come back with the truth.

Submitted by 1American (not verified) : Sep 10, 2015 6:09pm

Dear 1American,
I have no idea who Miguel is, actually I have never met anyone named Miguel. And to further enlighten you I am a Vietnam combat veteran (Chu Lai, 1968). I was born a citizen in New York. You should not assume so much, it is revealing. (Why did your parents name you 1American?)

Submitted by Pablo Sr. (not verified) : Sep 10, 2015 10:49pm

Please don't be so abusive here. We are Americans. Name calling is so juvenile and accomplishes nothing. Further, it appears you have completely cocked it up in assuming some of us are not American citizens.
Please comment respectfully.

Submitted by James K (not verified) : Sep 11, 2015 9:44am

Where did you go to school? Better go back and learn to write!!!

Submitted by Roger S. (not verified) : Sep 12, 2015 9:58pm

Oh Dear.
I'm not sure if that statement is accurate. I believe if we bring all our troops and military home to defend our freedoms from our borders and coastlines, we will be safer, and our kids in the military will have less stress and problems after they leave the service. Also, their families will be right there with them, as they protect the country. That is what most every other nation on the planet does, as it's the most common sense approach to security, and it doesn't have the hurtful and degrading aggression seen in the past 60 years. Bring the kids home now and bring all military weapons home to defend the borders. That is best.

Submitted by James K (not verified) : Sep 11, 2015 9:40am

Pablo you have obviously been drinking the Kool-aid or is it tequila.

Submitted by Larry SR. (not verified) : Sep 10, 2015 7:34pm

>>"Obama has kept us safe"<<
It's amazing that there is anybody left in this country who would say something so bat-crap crazy.

Submitted by Linda M (not verified) : Sep 13, 2015 2:37pm

Hey Miguel, have someone write your comments for you so we can understand them.

Submitted by Gz7 (not verified) : Sep 10, 2015 6:00pm

When I was in Vietnam I was in the hospital for a minor bullet wound to the leg. While there a young soldier of obvious Hispanic origin asked me to write a letter explaining his condition to his family. He was badly injured. I wrote as he narrated his story. When we were finished I asked if he would like to read it. He replied "If I could read and write I'd have done it myself." Lesson: Lack of education and your style of prejudice didn't deter him from serving his (our) Country on the field of battle. Maybe he was Pablo Sr or Miguel? Irregardless, I appreciate his service. We all should. There's no room for bigotry among real Veterans.

Submitted by Jim Creagan (not verified) : Sep 16, 2015 10:41am

miguel. Have you been drinking the tequila with Pablo?

Submitted by Larry Sr. (not verified) : Sep 10, 2015 7:38pm

Hi Larry Sr.,
Let's talk Sr. to Sr. I'll assume your name is really Larry. I have suspicions that 1American up above is not his real name, and if Gz7 is his real name his parent must have been space aliens. My name is really Paul. I have a dear Mexican friend who calls me Pablo, and my son was called that for a while by his workmates, I like being Pablo. I have never tasted tequila, but I am tempted now. What is more important to you: national security or xenophobia? Because the Big Q was "How has America's national security changed since 9/11" and the issue with the two of you is Pablo and Miguel.

Submitted by Pablo Sr. (not verified) : Sep 10, 2015 11:11pm

Well said Pablo (aka Paul).
It seems they let in all types of riff raff these days onto our site. We were taught and learned respect and honor in America, and some of our compatriots have not learned very well.

Submitted by James k (not verified) : Sep 11, 2015 9:49am

How we can secure the boarders, make it very unpleasant to be here unless you are here legally, I mean no benefits such as food stamps, Medicaid or health care except for life or limb, no schooling for the children and no one hire them. Fine employers who do it. Then we can secure the border without force.

Submitted by Sheenarn (not verified) : Sep 11, 2015 11:11am

We have taken the fight to the enemy where they live. They have lost their ability to stage another large scale attack on the U.S. thanks to the greatest military force on the planet. Sorry about the lines at the airport and having to throw away your bottle of suntan lotion at the security checkpoint.

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Sep 11, 2015 12:19pm

I have one more thought to share, especially to James K and Miguel A R if you are still following. In my time in the Army I had the opportunity to meet soldiers from all over this country, people representing parts of the country I never would have traveled to. It was wonderful to be exposed to different ideas and accents; my fondest memory of service. It would be a pleasure if one day the three of us could get together and toast a new friend - Jose Cuervo.

Submitted by Pablo Sr. (not verified) : Sep 11, 2015 11:56pm

It is time for the American Legion to stand up for our nation and God. Political correctness is a sham. Our values have been eroded as well as the Boy Scouts. The sickness has taken over both political parties.

Submitted by MSGT LEROY FOST... (not verified) : Sep 12, 2015 7:53am

I would rather the American Legion stand up for veterans and military issues instead of appeasing the right wing evangelical conservatives.

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Sep 14, 2015 1:53pm

Security comes from a sense of shared purpose, and shared fate. As long as America remains divided, whether it be hawks and doves or red states and blue states, rich and poor, black and white, then we will not be secure. As soon as we recognize that we all belong to the same human family, we will be much more secure. As long as it is "us vs. them," we will be un-secure.

Submitted by DAC (not verified) : Sep 15, 2015 5:34pm