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What do you think of the public reaction to American Sniper?

The condemnation voiced by some celebrities is nauseating.
48% (566 votes)
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether I agree with it or not.
17% (206 votes)
War is hell, and this movie aptly depicts the glory and the tragedy.
23% (268 votes)
I don’t care about the criticism, it has no impact on whether I will see the movie.
9% (107 votes)
Other. Add your opinion in the comments section.
4% (42 votes)
Total votes: 1189



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Haven't seen it and do not intend to.

Submitted by ACN (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 2:44pm

I am also disgusted with those Americans & celebrities who voiced their repulsive opinions. They need to serve a tour of duty in a war zone (to earn their FREEDOM) especially one where the enemy is everywhere, a boy, a women, an old man, anyone.
Thank You

Submitted by Donald G. L. Cote (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 11:24pm

in Nam a lot of our snipers were on a one way ticket to do a kill, with no chance of return, at the ind of Nam. a lot of officers were for more rank, and I had a great bunch of officers, but I saw and was sick of how some saw the men they were to lead as trash, not fit to wipe there ass. a real hero for me was the pilot that went in to hot LZ and brought out the wounded, I was left, and others to fend for our self once, not a good felling, like I said I had officers that had an out for us, and help was there, not days away. sorry, Sniper brought back bad night again, kile was strong, and covered up a lot of bad, and he got help, not spit on, cused, asked to leave the church, Nam vets WERE SSENT, NOT ASKED

Submitted by Dwayne c (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 11:44pm

It showed the reason for the snipers, to protect their fellow Soldiers. What it did not show was that the people killed existed to kill innocent people. The reason for our being there.

Submitted by Dale 70 (not verified) : Jan 30, 2015 11:48am

Unless you've served in the Armed Forces
Of the United States, then your opinion
doesn't hold any weight.

Submitted by Samuel Silva (not verified) : Feb 1, 2015 7:46am

Samuel, you are 100% right with your statement. Why listen to people who DON'T HAVE A CLUE!!
I'm fed up with people who think we can negotiate with terrorists who behead people. We must KILL them, because they keep breeding more terrorists!! Every one is tired of war, but we are still on a peace keeping status in Korea, thus I feel this conflict with terrorists will never end and we will need American service men and women to serve in the Middle East for many years to come.

Submitted by Roger S. (not verified) : Feb 1, 2015 12:10pm

I am a veteran, and I did see the movie. I don't give a damn what celebrities think or say. Remember, almost everything they say and do is scripted. Do they 'know' what their opinion REALLY is?

I am quite happy with the amount of conversation this movie has identifies who I want around me if/when the shit hits the fan here in America.

Submitted by Charlene C. (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 2:59pm

War has changed. This movie shows the diference. I noticed the difference combat gear, weaponry, mechanized units, attitudes and a whole slew of other things, specifcully, armies no longer fight armies. Its down to squads with powerfull firepower. T us being the victorhe only thing that hasn't changed is the kill factor. Who stands last is apperntly the victor. During previous wars a lot of movies were made to boost our prpaganda, ending with us being the victor and sending the audience home patriotic and boasting. I dont know about this one, I went home sad, and depressed.Yours to judge. Al Mallozzi

Submitted by Al Mallozzi (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 3:02pm


You write: During previous wars a lot of movies were made to boost our propaganda, ending with us being the victor and sending the audience home patriotic and boasting.

Did you see Platoon?

Vietnam-era Vet

Submitted by Sandor Szabados (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 5:03pm

Am I wrong in stating that Al zagari (if that the its spelled), was taken out by an USAF Fighter Bomber rather than a sniper's shot? Al Mallozzi

Submitted by Al Mallozzi (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 3:06pm

You got to know this man saved many many American lifes,thats the bottom line here

Submitted by tom hartleb (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 3:28pm

I am a veteran. Hats off to Clint Eastwood for putting this story out there. Our politicians will visit the families of slain criminals, and pay no attention to the ones who ware the uniforms that keep America the best place in the world. This is America love it or leave it. don't try to change it.

Submitted by Mark O. (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 3:42pm

I am also a veteran, I volunteered during the Vietnam War, and I love America. By love it or leave it are you suggesting that by illegally invading sovereign nation we keep America as the best place in the world?

Submitted by Sandor Szabados (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 7:35pm

I haven't seen it (yet), so have no opinion one way or the other.

Submitted by Mikey D (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 4:04pm

War of ANY kind is Hell, the people the United States Military recruits and uses to conduct our "Policing of the World" are a means to an ends for the US GOVT to achieve it's objectives. If you are a Veteran or Military then "most" come to fully understand that they are or were merely an object/part/blunt instrument used to achieve Military missions/goals. However, when the mission is done if you are no longer useful or broke then you are discarded like any other piece of equipment the Military has at it's disposal that is no longer useful.
*Most Veterans and long serving Active Duty come to understand this and are aware how the Military goes about tearing a person down then building them into exactly what they need.
**IF you are not a Veteran/Military or haven't witnessed the scope and magnitude of what they can and will do with people you simply can't and won't get it.
***The facts simply put are, Mr. Chris Kyle performed his assigned duties and went above and beyond the call of duty during and after his time in the United States Military-SEALS to the fullest extent and is an American Hero for the many lives he protected and saved.

Submitted by Jeff Schade (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 4:05pm

Thank you Jeff, You just said what has now be come the American Way for our Kids. That is not the world my dad wanted for his grand kids.

Submitted by Dwayne c (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 11:51pm

I read that he said that he wanted to be a sniper from a young age. He was that and he killed, not necessarily to defend our freedoms but because he liked doing it. I am an Infantry Vet and I know the intense feeling of satisfaction when I would hit the target.

Submitted by Sandor Szabados (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 4:36pm

Your world view determines what you think of this film. I think most people would agree that congress is doing a terrible job. Most people have little faith in them. Yet we allow them to send our sons and daughters off to war and we are asked to believe their reasons for doing so. If you trust those politicians our children are heroes if you don't they are still heroes anyway. Why, because they are our children. Congress has a win win here and they use it against us. In fact they use our children to get votes. How can you argue against this dilemma. The sniper is a hero and also a pawn, perhaps that is the real truth here.

Submitted by dave48195 (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 5:16pm


You write: Yet we allow them to send our sons and daughters off to war and we are asked to believe their reasons for doing so.

Chris Kyle volunteered, seeking out the most combat-intense branches, first the Marines Spec. Ops, then the Army Special Forces and Rangers, and finally the Navy SEALs. He was rejected by the first two but was keen to get in and he finally did. Once he was in it was not his place to question but obey orders: To use his sharpshooting skills to kill enemy combatants in a combat zone of a sovereign nation that our elected officials declared war on illegally and with lies, just like the Vietnam War.

Submitted by Sandor Szabados (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 6:08pm

I am going to see it but haven't yet. Point I would like to make is that he did his job! So he was a good shot at a young age, he knew that he would fill his role as he did. Doesn't mean he wanted to kill. He wanted to do what he did best. By doing so he saved many lives, don't matter how... He was a hero just cuz he served, just as everyone else that would give their life to save you and yours. I am US ARMY Infantry to the core and did two tours. First I was our company sniper and second in another unit as a squad leader. I thankfully brought all my men home....and yes sometimes we thanked our sniper teams when we had the chance. Unfortunately I am now medically retired and have my own demons I fight with every day. So until you have done it, you really don't know what your talking about and shouldn't talk out loud. Just shows how ignorant you really are.

Submitted by BJ Horst (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 5:28pm

Honestly, I commend you for bringing your buddies home. However, the question from this ignorant Vet is: Why did you (and Chris) volunteer for combat branches (hopefully) knowing that you would be sent to a foreign country that the U.S. had attacked illegally and that was hated by many to such extreme that a woman would carry a small child as a decoy in order to pass undetected and explode a bomb, killing herself and her baby as well in the process?

There is no way in hell that I feel more secure today because of the military actions in Irak, on the contrary. If before the war many in the region disliked America, now many want "Death to America."

Submitted by Sandor Szabados (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 6:34pm

these belly aching do gooders should have to fit the shoes of a soldier in a war to keep these types of people safe. It is a fact of life.

Submitted by jerry young (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 5:29pm

Who promoted Michael Moore to celebrity status anyway? Bash celebrities all you want, but remember it's Hollywood celebs that made this film.

The film brought back memories that returning home and re-integrating with Civies got a little dicey every now and then.

Submitted by John Simansons (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 5:49pm

The following from Wiki shows that Chris Kyle was gung-ho all the way.

Kyle went to a military recruiting office interested in joining the U.S. Marine Corps with a special interest in special operations. Kyle signed up, but was rejected because of the pins in his arm. Kyle met with a U.S. Army recruiter next, who told him about the Special Forces and the Rangers. A U.S. Navy recruiter told him about the U.S. Navy SEALs as he was leaving the recruiting office. After initially being declined, he received a call to BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL school). He joined the U.S. Navy in 1999.

Submitted by Sandor Szabados (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 5:55pm

War is hell! That said, Snipers are an instrument of war. The military commanders have this tool to use when they can see the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Hey it's worked for 240 years! God bless all the warriors, no matter what their job.

Submitted by DGARD (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 5:58pm

In the end, it's just a movie. Nothing more.

Submitted by TimK (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 6:44pm

It's about the real actions of a soldier in a real war with two sides: the eye that looks at the scope's cross-hair and the target. One lives to kill more, the other dies to kill lees.

Submitted by Sandor Szabados (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 7:01pm

It’s nothing more to those that think the American flag is just a banner.

Submitted by oghgul : Jan 29, 2015 8:10pm

War is made by people who give the orders and people who follow orders. The U.S. brought war to Vietnam and Irak. War is certainly hell for those who have it trust on them. I am a war refugee and I know that side of the war.

Submitted by Sandor Szabados (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 6:46pm

The comments by "celebrities" is cowardly. One because Kyle can't answer back and two if it wasn't for Kyle and men and women like him in our military these cowards wouldn't have any voice or free speech.It was a great movie depicting both the courage of our military and the enomous emaotional struggles they have to go through to defend our freedoms. God Bless Them

Submitted by Salvatore R LaRosa (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 7:44pm

The celebrities that voice condemnation are disgusting bastards

Submitted by oghgul : Jan 29, 2015 8:07pm

We are here to express our opinion of a movie. Whatever you think to the contrary of this movie let us remember one thing, war is terrible. Any war, any place, and at any time. Savagry had it presence in Greek, Persian, Spartan and Roman Empire to where we are now. What makes the present hostilities worse is that we dont know who we are fighting, but the enemy knows who they are fighting. This is a game changer that alters the way our guys fight, and THUS, the sniper. They are doing what they have to do, there are no white flags.
Al Mallozzi

Submitted by Al Mallozi (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 8:36pm

I am hardly a celebrity but I don't appreciate misrepresenting the facts. Now Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, yet the movie leads the impressionable to believe it did and the sniper was avenging 9/11. Of the 19 hijackers, 15 were Saudi's and Obama bin Laden was a Saudi. No Iraqi's were involved in 9/11. Also how many realize that after 9/11 all commercial flights were grounded, EXCEPT the visiting Saudi's were allowed to depart without any American questioning them. Moreover being an octagenarian who service was way back in the '50's and I recall the terrible things the Japanese and Nazi's did in WWII, and I took pride that as an American we did not act that way. As a Catholic I firmly believe that it is morally wrong to use disproportionate force in a war. As one who remembers the prosecution and execution of Nazi's for launching an aggressive war. I supported that. I still do. I don't feel the ends justify the means. But that shows you how out of date I am.

Submitted by Bob Charron (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 9:07pm

It is interesting to me that you mention a faith that you have been programed to follow as the reason for your values. Do you have your own set of ethics, morals, and values?//or do you follow the values of the programed "faith" disregarding or not following your own set of values?? Just saying: do not blame your "faith" to justify your own set of values, ethics, and morals. Knowing the difference is very important, because blink faith is no excuse for your behavior. Most folks in prison state that they are Christians--who is fooling who?

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Jan 30, 2015 11:21pm

International law distinguishes between defensive and offensive wars. In WWII, Japan and Germany were the offenders and defense became necessary, at whatever cost, and that is why war is hell. Had I been of age I would have volunteered. But I would not have used a weapon in Vietnam, though I was Infantry-trained because it was an invasion and illegal, and therefore for me immoral.

Submitted by Sandor Szabados (not verified) : Jan 29, 2015 9:49pm

Most of the windbags who make utterly disgusting claims about the film, does not know the meaning of the term, FREEDOM IS NOT FREE! It must be paid for like any other thing that people use, and thank GOD the USA has the U.S Military to make sure we as a people are indeed free.

Submitted by RKO (not verified) : Jan 30, 2015 8:26am

Some of the views expressed here seem simplistic. There appears to be only two alternatives in your world A) your right, B) your wrong. Unfortunately the real world is full of C) all of the above. We could spend a lot of time arguing the legality and purpose of Vietnam, Iraq and a host of others conflicts, but the fact is that some of your points would have merit, but there would be excellent counterpoints that would have equal merit. Whatever sins our country may have committed, we have the freedom, without fear of reprisal, to criticize it. As others have so eloquently stated 'Freedom is not free". When it comes to conflict, our country may not always do the right thing, but I believe that we almost always proceed with good intentions-Vietnam and Iraq are no exceptions. American military and hero are synonymous expressions

Submitted by Larry A (not verified) : Jan 30, 2015 1:10pm

There are no good intentions that can legally and morally justify actions of military aggression against a sovereign country without a formal declaration of war in contravention to International Law that the U.S. has signed. The international protocol for declaring war was defined in the Hague Convention of 1907 on the Opening of Hostilities. Either our country is a country of laws with nobody above the law, or it is not. And she should be called when she is not.

Submitted by Sandor Szabados (not verified) : Jan 30, 2015 5:33pm

After serving in a war zone and 4 other military years, and saving very many lives, I am not a hero. I was doing my job! Many of you seem to have a loose idea of a hero. Are EMTs, firemen, police people heroes every day or are they just doing their job?

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Jan 30, 2015 11:28pm

Yes, they're heros. So are our service men and women.

Submitted by Howard Strobel (not verified) : Feb 2, 2015 3:24pm

By that account, so are teachers, nurses, and doctors and everyone who serves the public. I served in the Army but I don't think of myself as hero: just someone doing his duty as citizen.

Submitted by Sandor Szabados (not verified) : Feb 22, 2015 2:42pm

Michael Moore is a fat ugly slug with the intelligence of a maggot. Have there been any intelligent estimates of how many lives he saved by sniping insurgents? Snipers not only snipe but get sniped. He was in great danger the whole time he was there as snipers are a prime target on both sides. Not only was he in danger of other snipers and ground fire but if the enemy had just a good idea of where he might be concealed they'd likely lob in a few rounds of whatever kind of heavy explosives they might have and vaporize him and anyone close. I saw the movie and liked it except for the end when he was killed by a fellow vet, which of course can't be changed because it's a true story. I offer my condolences to his family. And as to MM, may an elephant caress him with it's toes.

Submitted by rjaxon (not verified) : Jan 30, 2015 1:31pm

I say send them to boot camp we gonna need more troops for isis,,, u cant judge others without looking at the shoes they walked in

Submitted by john frazee (not verified) : Jan 30, 2015 2:20pm

Mike Moore is suffering from low self esteem as evidenced by how he treats himself--look at him!! He is suffering everyday and seems to want to make others suffer with his pathetic rhetoric. Boot camp and seal training is just what he needs--can we draft him into the military?

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Jan 30, 2015 11:33pm

These Hollywood types should stick to what they do best, pretend.

Submitted by Everett Oliver (not verified) : Jan 30, 2015 2:58pm

As a retired soldier I am thankful for all the positive support for the movie. Which I believe reflects the attitude of the general public. The negative comments from the liberal left is no surprise.
God bless all our troops, and God bless America.

Submitted by CH (COL) Ret. Bo B (not verified) : Jan 30, 2015 6:46pm

Does the conservative right stand for "my country, right or wrong,
love it or leave it?

Submitted by Sandor Szabados (not verified) : Jan 30, 2015 9:54pm

The never ending path to freedom is a struggle for all who wittness it. May God bless all who struggle to endure it. God bless Chris Kyle and all his sacrifices he suffered! God bless them all! And yes I saw the movie to respect the hero!

Submitted by Darrell L. Aldridge (not verified) : Feb 1, 2015 7:40pm

I could careless about what the liberal narrow minded wanna be something they never can be liberal jack wagons have to say. They don't know and never will know what it is like or what it means to serve this country! Over privilaged, low intelectual individuals that they are.

Submitted by S Williamson (not verified) : Feb 2, 2015 4:10pm

Those who have spoken out against American sniper are "Lobsters." What you may ask? You put a Lobster in a 5-Gal empty bucket and eventually it will reach up and find a way out. When you put that lobster back in the bucket, then put a second lobster in with it. The first lobster will start to crawl out as before. But, the other lobster will reach up and pull it back down. People like the Walrus Moore's of this world are "Lobsters!" When they see someone rise up above the crowd and accomplish something that they are too gutless to do or lack the self-confidence to achieve themselves. They try and defame, degrade and diminish those who have accomplished greatness. I have learned for myself not to listen to Lobsters and have taught my children (now adults) not to learn to listen/speak to "Lobsters" as well. They now are teaching their children not to speak and listen to "Lobsters."

Submitted by CPT Art Taylor ... (not verified) : Feb 3, 2015 4:48pm