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Why do you think the number of Americans arrested for ISIS connections is growing?

It indicates the appeal of the terror group, and the U.S. must work quickly to put it down.
32% (292 votes)
This is not a long-term trend. The surge in recruits will decrease soon enough.
3% (27 votes)
The key to halting ISIS recruiting is to stymie the group's social media campaign.
16% (141 votes)
The recruits are misguided. We must promote a positive American message to young people.
42% (379 votes)
Other. Answer in the comments section below.
7% (64 votes)
Total votes: 903



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I feel they've been there all along rather than there being a sudden increase. They are just being more public and less careful, which results in more being identified and caught.

Submitted by JarheadMark (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 11:17am

Kids today have their heads buried in Facebook, Twitter and video war games. They don't know what the real world is anymore. So then you get some professional ISIS recruiter contacting them with a chance to play their fantasy war games out for real they fall for it. Drive through any neighborhood these days and you won't see kids playing in the street, in their yards or in many cases even the local park (unless they are soccer players). They are indoors playing video games that glorify war and crime. Even if you go into a Macdonald's many of the kids that used to be playing in the play land are now sitting with their noses buried in a cell phone or Ipad. And their parents are doing the same thing. It not much different from people that are addicted to porn when offered a chance to act out their fantasies jump at the chance.

Submitted by Ernie T (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 5:08pm

I think Ernie has pretty much hit the nail on the head, plus many other problems, like corporate greed and a government that can't seem to work together and get the job done!

Submitted by Floyd C (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 10:31pm

I agree with that 100%. Question is what can we do about it. Open to suggestions here.

Submitted by Fred C (not verified) : Apr 24, 2015 7:09am

I think its because of Obama

Submitted by Andy Rico (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 1:32pm

You are full of CRAP.

Submitted by Mike DeMarko (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 1:40pm

Oh, and YOU are an expert on the corrupt political machine???

Submitted by Bill Kalo (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 1:57pm

Analysis of a

Submitted by Mark DeMikeo (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 4:15pm

Self-descriptive analysis.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 5:58pm

Young people are unhappy with the direction the country is going , under Obama

Submitted by pbsaw (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 2:06pm

Since when does Commander in Chief race and party contribute to the hate in the world against the US. When you took your Military oath at your swearing in, we agreed to operate under the US Code of Military Justice and serve in the defense of our country. Too much moral decay and erosion is destroying Unity in our country. Too much valuing of difference destroys unity and the definition of WE the United States. I am old school and I think every young person should go through some form of Boot training. We should never have stopped the draft. I am a minority, Viet Nam vet. Our education of our youth and discipline vs punishment interpretations is destroying Loyalty to our country vs free speech and ism's. I give up trying to change my younger brothers and sisters today. The tolerance of ignorance is getting to high. I am glad and proud I served when I did. I am an America and those not committed to America should leave.

Submitted by Blackeagle (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 5:52pm

hear hear

Submitted by basil (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 7:49pm

I'm with you Blackeagle, you are right on. Let the idiots go join Isis, at least we will know where the enemy is and no longer among us.

Submitted by garymc (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 10:16pm

Blackeagle i agree 100% brother......the youth have no idea what it means to be American or think about something other then them self...

Submitted by Randy Alexander (not verified) : Apr 29, 2015 4:58pm

We all see that the President and many members of the executive branches and local law enforcement are NOT enforcing our laws. Many get a pass, are not prosecuted, or let out of jails and prisons too often. When those hired to enforce the laws of our land, are lying to all of us and are unfair in justice you get riots and anarchy. Logical conservatives do not trust our government anymore--especially foreign polities. Only liberal brained people rationalize this behavior and encourage and support it. No wonder we have so many who are supporting radicals who have a purpose and direction---
We do not have leaders with purpose and direction running our government---they are whoosies and ineffective---it will bring us down!

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : May 1, 2015 6:49pm

I believe it's a growing hate of the U.S. Government from within the U.S. I don't think it's only of people joining ISIS which is in an active fight against any allies or interests of the U.S. Government, of which ISIS is a way to actively do that....but you can see the comments and anger from individuals that wouldn't join ISIS but probably some other organization against the U.S. Government. The Conservative news organizations aren't helping this at all. It's a serious concern.

Submitted by Bud Goerner (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 1:49pm

Americans were terrorists to England. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Let's get the hell out of there, save some money and body bags, then who cares. Not our monkey, not our circus.

Submitted by Milt R (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 1:56pm

Don't know your age, Milt, but I believe you either didn't study history or got a warped version from a Liberal Jerk Professor! The colonialists were NOT terrorists to England; in fact, it was the opposite! England was taxing the colonists excessively and the colonists at no say whatsoever in governmental decisions. Thus, they got fed up with the English "terrorists" who came to collect money that England did NOT deserve. "No taxation without representation" was somewhat of a battle cry at the Boston Tea Party. Remember that in history? With the Democrats, we are headed that same direction again!

Submitted by Bill Kalo (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 2:03pm

Thank you Bill, so aptly stated! As far as our youth, there are many reasons I believe and blame for the problem. Yes, social media is a great promoter and so often the young are looking for a passion but do not get the full ramification of these actions, they are also looking for excitement, in many cases, and no longer find that at home on their own part of the 'hood. I think much of the reason stems from us, working parents who devote more time to our work and our own down time rather than give it to our young. It's a tough situation when both parents work leaving the kids to be "educated" by others, often time others with less than good intention. Single parent families are a norm now days and that can add to the lack of quality time a child needs. I can go on but I think we all have our own opinions and are the coffee shop or bar stool experts. We need to quit jacking our jaws and begin to be part of the solution.

Submitted by Jeff Gay (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 2:19pm

Jeff, I agree with a lot of what you have to say. It takes more than a single parent struggling to survive to raise a child, especially if that parent is somewhat disenfranchised and uneducated. Hatred is often learned in the home or from those who spend the most time with that child, often other ignorant disenfranchised and poorly educated people who have not been taught the value of ethics,accomplishing goals and the pride in oneself having succeeded. Plus there is no accountability to family and friends, self respect seems to be unknown now, only false pride. Bottom line; we as a nation are not teaching our children how to succeed and earn their own self respect. Our government has become corrupt, don't look to politicians and their appointees for guidance.

Submitted by Chuck Torman (not verified) : Apr 24, 2015 1:09pm

Bill K, I'm in my 70's and learn from reading revisionist history, facts without the propaganda BS. That may have been the battle cry and tipping point but I believe the main problem was making the colonies use England's money and not their own, thus controlling America's economy. The same as what the federal reserve (privately owned) does in controlling our economy now. If some boneheads want to go over and join Isis, and no Americans are there to be killed or wounded, so what. As long as they cause no problems in America I say good riddance. America first!

Submitted by Milt R (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 6:34pm

I am also in my 70's and it is apparent that you do not know very much about this countries history. First of all, the revolution started because of the taxing problem. Your other comment about ISIS not having any Americans to kill if our troops and other American weren't over there is ludicrous. If ISIS is not stopped over there, it will not be long until they are over here (as we already have an abundance of them). Your comments just show how ignorant you really are.

Submitted by Tom R (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 10:10pm

Right Milt---we need to rid of people who go to fight with the enemy---their passports are revoked and they are not allowed back into this country. Where are those of us who have a backbone and are logical??---not currently running our government, I am afraid.

Submitted by K2 (not verified) : May 1, 2015 6:56pm

Anyone can become a US Citizen. These are not "True" Americans. either these "Home Grown" Terrorist Want to be's have come here with ill intent within a relatively short amount of time. Or they have been raised by parents who do not like America. Yet they live here. Immigrants migrating to the US think The Land Of The Free means work one job and they can raise a family of ten! When they figure out they have to work Four jobs to support themselves, They become Disgruntled Citizens. I'm sure the Government psychologists have had a field day with this. Economy over Minds, Population over resources! Way too many people on this planet. Ya Think?

Submitted by Martin Szekely (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 2:13pm

Definitely---and many of them are almost dysfunctional. We know the solution, but will not enforce it.

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : May 1, 2015 6:59pm

It is my belief that the reason we are seeing a rising increase in American ISIS recruits is due to a lack of real and authentic leadership and Americanism. Under the current administration, we have seen a dramatic decrease in National Pride and Patriotism in which people can rally behind. At the same time, ISIS offers leadership, drive, and action, no matter how twisted and gruesome that it may be, which many are craving. ISIS does a much better job at connecting with "radical" individuals or impressionable people, while Americans are mired in the political tug-of-war and unconstitutional battles that distract from real-world issues.

America needs authentic leadership again. Forget the slogans and campaign rhetoric and get back to the American we knew... Strong, Leaders, Proud, and the Moral Compass for others nations and people to aspire too!

Just my opinion!

Submitted by Dr. Travis J Hedrick (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 2:20pm

If OUR leader doesn't think there is anything wrong with ISIS, then his followers
think it's OK to join the group.

Submitted by EDM (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 2:21pm

I believe it's a dislike of the U.S. Government from within the U.S. The congress and senate can't find a common ground to govern this country and my feelings is there should be term limits to being in those positions - not a place to retire with lifetime benefits after one term!

Submitted by Bowmaster (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 2:26pm

We do have term's called voting them out of office. Unfortunately the federal gov't has bought and paid for the vote by giving free stuff and living off the state. until WE THE PEOPLE stand up and take it back this is what we have and will continue to have

Submitted by gunzs554 (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 4:47pm

Misguided? Yes by are own President, even the military don't want to serve under him. He is a Muslim period. If he had been President during WWII we would still be fighting it. Then his press comference today what a joke, innocent people are going to get killed, then the press jumps on it and tell us how .triable, no more drones.

Submitted by Oldtimer2926 (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 2:35pm

I can't believe how right wing members of the Legion are.

Submitted by JHawker (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 2:35pm

Then why don't you troll some liberal BS site, Hawker?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 5:51pm

It starts in the Mosques! The majority of Mosques are preaching terrorism. Social media reinforces what is heard there. And our executive branch is rife with Muslim Brotherhood members who are encouraging this behavior.

Submitted by BobC (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 2:42pm

Because of this current administration, there is no longer any respect for this country or pride in being an American citizen!

Submitted by BigMac1 (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 2:49pm

That is what our current government wants. Just another country among many.

Submitted by Howard Strobel (not verified) : Apr 24, 2015 4:07pm

Start be making everyone work for their living. Living on the Gov. put us down.
Make fathers pay for the kids they make. Not the welfare sys.
Mothers need to tell who the father is or no help.
Earn the rights they want.
Stop paying welfare forever. Put a max on it.
No male should live on the system. No work no eat.
Yes We are Free. Free to earn your way of Life. Not have it given to you.

I'm out of work. But I've looked and would work today and work OT.

Retire Officer, CDL A Driver. 61 years old.

Submitted by Bill in MD (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 2:53pm

the young go with a winner and right now ISIS is winning

Submitted by John Jay (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 3:50pm

The United States created ISIS and funds ISIS. It is all part of Hope and Change. These jerks just want to help with that. They are patriots to the New World Order and pawns in the military industrial complex.

As for me, I prefer to keep my guns, my freedom, and my money. The government of what once was the great American Republic can keep the change.

Submitted by Soured on the system (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 3:54pm

Two reasons: US intelligence is geared up and many of these morons don't yet understand that and make themselves very visible. Keep it up.....For those that insist that these cretins are misguided..think again!

Submitted by BillM (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 3:58pm

I think it is because of Fox News broadcasting lies and innuendo about credible efforts of the military and the US Government. When I watch Fox I do not understand what their objective is other than the downfall of America.

Submitted by Army Vet (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 4:55pm

If you really believe that, then why in the world would you watch Fox? Watch MSNBC, drink their kool-aid.
Army vet also, and USAF retiree

Submitted by wingrider6 : Apr 23, 2015 5:20pm

It's real easy to tell the real vets here. When someone starts spouting nonsense like "Army Vet", it's a dead giveaway.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 5:53pm

Wow! I see that the truth hurts. It's really easy to see who the lame low information Fox News watchers are!

Submitted by Army Vet (not verified) : Apr 24, 2015 8:55am

If you're a veteran, then I'm the queen of England. They should require a DD214 to be able to be on this forum.

What kind of person posts such vitriol amongst real heroes? There are plenty of liberal hate-spewing forums where you would be welcome. Fox News has nothing to do with what is happening in the world. FYI, I never watch it. I'm intelligent enough to have my own opinion, instead of parroting nonsense like you. Typical liberal response to anything they disagree with is to blame it on Fox News. If you're not smart enough to contribute to the conversation, this is not the place for you.

Fact: If only veterans and active-duty were allowed to vote, there would never would be a Democrat president.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Apr 24, 2015 10:02am

I hope you will continue to watch Fox News because they are telling you the facts of the news of the day.
You can put your own spin on what is said, but at least you receive accurate reporting. The liberal stations just do not report things accurately at all.

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : May 1, 2015 7:06pm

The answer is simple and of course political correctness says AL can't put it as one of the options. They are Muslims and they are following what their Koran says they should do and what is preached in their mosques.

Submitted by wingrider6 : Apr 23, 2015 5:18pm

It is almost impossible to estimate the number of Muslims currently living in the USA as per studies. It seems that the Muslims are carefully hiding their population stats for good reasons as they use their vastly growing numbers to take over local governments by outvoting the opposition and by replacing the former residents who move out due to cultural differences. ( They now control the city government of Dearborn, Michigan) Having read the Quran I could not find anything in its tenets that is compatible with our Constitution and laws. So it appears to me that many of their youth are encouraged to join the ISIS fighting in order to gain knowledge and experience that can be passed on to other youthful Muslims in the USA. If the call is made for them to begin fighting in our neighborhoods they will have trained urban street fighters ready while we will be asking "What the hell happened."

Submitted by Deputydog70 (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 5:29pm

Think back to the protest songs of the '60s when some of us were young. Listen to some of them again. The message is the same, but the circumstances and issues are different. Money and politics have changed little, but a new religious war has emerged fueled by electronic media that seems to glorify terrorists and thugs masquerading as "freedom fighters."

Some of the most vulnerable young people are influenced by promises of acceptance from those who will protect them from bullies, social cliques, and criticism. School shooting massacres are rife with stories of outcasts with hate and guns, from kids who simply do not feel wanted or needed.

ISIS wants these throwaway kids. They recruit them. Better ideas are out there. Let us start hearing them. Thank You.

Submitted by USAF Steve (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 5:56pm

We are all brain washed or programed as children with all kinds of things that are not proven to be true. Many of us as adults are able to discount all of the BS we are told, but many with weak deduction skills are unable to diffuse the unprovable BS. Many believe this stuff because they WANT to believe it, not because it makes any sense at all.

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : May 1, 2015 7:13pm

Some people have complained about how the liberal socialists have bought all the votes with their "free stuff". The most simple way to end this is to make anyone who is on the Gov't dole ineligible to vote until they can support themselves. This would end vote buying from give away politicians.

Submitted by Reb 1 (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 8:09pm

Come on now, this policy would only give the RICH the opportunity to buy the government of their choice!!!!!!!!! Fair is fair......

Submitted by David Shutts (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 8:24pm

Definitely we should have criteria for who is proficient enough vote AND to procreate. Letting any idiot vote or provide us with the future generations is just reckless. One even has to prove competency to be giving a driver license---but it can be revoked if one is irresponsible. Breeding and voting is very important and only those who can prove competency should be allowed to participate.

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : May 1, 2015 7:20pm

Kids are born brain dead, parents and other authority figures not doing their job to teach them right. Also don't help having chemical additives, pesticides and untested long term GMO's in food. Unfortunate byproduct of feeding an overburgening populance and corporate/personal greed.

Submitted by David Shutts (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 8:19pm

man,if these assholes don't like our way of life then get the hell out,lots of blood has been spilled for this country,and these idiots don't give a damn,i just stay armed and alert (allways) OOOOH RAHHH.

Submitted by dav for sure 100% (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 8:19pm

Look up the following Understanding the threat. and Refugee Resettlement in America. I think you will find your answer. Read, Study make up your own mind

Submitted by John F. (not verified) : Apr 23, 2015 9:11pm

A few Moslem youth relate with the Shite faction fighting with the Sunni based on their family ancestry, which is compounded by the US aligning with the Sunni. Keep in mind that Isis is Shite with the objective of carving out an Isis caliphate from Iraq and Syria, a rise of the Persian Empire. Sure, we have enough of our own problems but this is not part of our internal discord...just my personal opinion.

Submitted by Sam M. (not verified) : Apr 24, 2015 10:04am

I think the reason why so many young Americans are being swayed into joining with ISIS is because of a problem that is two-fold...

1) American youth is so disconnected with reality and connected with online "celebrities" that they eat for breakfast every bit of nonsense they are fed online (or thru MSM).

2) Our modern day federal government has gone so far beyond the intent of what it was supposed to be, the realization is that out of the two ways to fix it: a) constitutional right to amend it or b) the revolutionary right to overthrow it, the only one feasibly possible is B. So they are making an attempt to act upon it.

Submitted by JeffUSN13 (not verified) : Apr 24, 2015 4:43pm

Its because they were raised with the leftest mentality.

Submitted by Merritt Staley (not verified) : Apr 25, 2015 6:43pm

Our 2 political parties the president,congress and the senate are working against each other opening the door for right wing extremist. Wealthy Americans and foreign influence are using money and terror to bring our great country down. Hopefully we will wake up and overcome these problems. I can't understand an American joining ISIS or any other extremist group. I served my country and I am proud to be an American

Submitted by J. Scott (not verified) : Apr 26, 2015 4:08pm


Submitted by SMILIN JACK USA (not verified) : Apr 26, 2015 9:50pm

That Street fight may be coming, Russia watching us from the sidelines, starting to call some plays. Stay tuned

Submitted by 38 Knuck (not verified) : Apr 29, 2015 9:08am

Those people feel lost and helpless maybe because of the BS like FOX puts out. They need to focus on what it means to be a good citizen.

Submitted by mark_jumper : Apr 28, 2015 1:59am

Yea, like making us OWN our decisions instead of bailing us out when we screw up. Liberals are soft and cause other softies to keep up the bad, irresponsible behaviors.

What makes one a good citizen? You and your family paying the ultimate price for what you do or deserve from doing or not doing the right things. Working hard for what you get in life usually worked well for most of us.

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : May 1, 2015 7:31pm

They have always been around, but the proper authorities are just getting better at catching these boneheads.

Submitted by Poindexter (not verified) : Apr 29, 2015 4:25pm