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​How concerned are you about an ISIS terrorism attack inside the U.S. this year?

Very concerned. It's only a matter of time until Islamic State coordinates a large attack.
59% (557 votes)
Somewhat concerned. It is more likely that smaller attacks will occur from time to time.
35% (330 votes)
Not concerned. We're making progress and thereby diminishing the odds of attack here.
5% (44 votes)
Other. Answer in the comments section.
1% (13 votes)
Total votes: 944



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I'm much more concerned about domestic rightwing terrorist like the Bundy group and other wildcat gun crazy militia fueled by the bigoted hate media so prevalent on our airways willing to kill anyone that doesn't bow to them.

Submitted by Don Ford (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 2:39pm

Don, you are absolutely right. These hate groups are heavily armed, fully delusional, and hiding all across the country, and hate radio keeps them cranked up. They are the terrorists we should be concerned about and they are already here.

Submitted by Pablo Sr. (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 3:16pm

I'm much more concerned about getting struck by lightning. The odds are better that this will happen, but only the weatherman seems to want to hype this risk. Have you seen how animated some of them get when there is a meteorological event? Very funny! But, I guess lightning doesn't win elections or sell newspapers (or the electronic equivalent).

Submitted by Rex Black (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 3:17pm

I am very much more concerned about leftwing, liberal, socialist zealots like Don Ford and Pablo Sr.

Submitted by LocoLance (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 3:32pm

All three of the above comments are from people living in "Lala Land". Get a grip, comrades.

Submitted by Ken Weygant (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 3:34pm

I totally agree with you that the above three are idiots and not living in the real world. What a shame to have ex-military members with no more sense than those three

Submitted by qaz (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 4:44pm

It is funny when someone has an opinion that is different, they are labeled a left wing liberal social zealot. I am not even sure what a "zealot" is. Not all veterans and members of this organization agree with the extreme conservative views that are often expressed here. I am willing to bet that many of them don't agree with all liberal views either. It is possible that some veterans actually form their own opinions without having to conform to the group consensus, whether it is left or right. Let common sense prevail. But then again, the narrow minded have no concept of forward thinking, only the agenda that they have chosen conform to.

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 5:01pm

I agree that there are threats to us. Mainly because we have troops and military bases in their country. We prop up the dictators and oligarchs in their countries and then we expect these people not to be pissed at us. We espouse that we are losing our freedom so we need to be there when actually we are helping the dictators subjugate and take away the freedom of their people. What's worse is we are losing our freedom while helping and not even noticing. You can blame it on Obama, Bush, Democrats, Republicans etc. The fact is its every politicians we have elected the past 50 years is at fault. If FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, or JFK were alive today they wouldn't recognize what this country has become. Greedy, and corrupt sociopaths run our political parties and our corporations. This is the group that ask us to fight for freedom. The truth is they are not any better than the dictators we and others support. The problem is we protect both groups. The foreign dictators and the ones that ask us to do it.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Jan 15, 2016 2:29am

I totally agree with Don and Pablo, we are far more at risk from rightwing terrorists and just plain white men than we are from foreign terrorists. We need to start calling out these mass shooters for what they are, terrorists in the truest sense of the word. We blithely sit by and watch nearly fifty people per day are shot dead, tens of thousands per year and do nothing. What a disgrace that we accept this as part of our society today. Sick actually.

Submitted by Mike K (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 3:37pm

That's why I'm in favor of capital punishment. They need to bring back hangings at the town square. These nutjobs don't deserve a trial, they don't deserve 3 hots and a cot for the rest of their life while you and I pay 43 to $50,000 a year to support them. Oh by the way, that is if they have no medical problems at all. I know some cases that are in the millions of dollars. life in prison without the possibility of parole is a walk in the park. Hanging by the end of a rope is terminus... that's all I got to say on the matter

Submitted by Julio136 (not verified) : Jan 15, 2016 12:23pm

I think that the Isis types will continue the wolf attempts but the others who are concerned about the militias have a point. If you add the number of people killed by white home grown terrorists far they exceed the deaths by foreign terrorists entering the US. Fox News and Trump excite these whack jobs gun freaks so I am much more hesitant about going to the store when the militants exercising their 2nd amendment rights are allowed to be on the street at the same time as law abiding Americans.

Submitted by Army Vet (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 3:44pm

The DoD did not want these people "guarding" their recruiting stations either. It was not a good sight to see these hillbillies with their AR-15's set up in the strip mall out in front of the recruiting stations. Fortunately, nobody was hurt or killed when one of the morons in Ohio accidently discharged a 5.56 round in a shopping center parking lot last summer. Even after the DoD and the Army asked them to leave, many of them just moved out to the edge of the street off the property in order to "exercise" their 2nd amendment rights and cops could do nothing. It wasn't about protecting the troops, it was all about grandstanding and getting attention.

Submitted by DP (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 4:35pm

Spoken like a true obamacrate. Those foreign Terrorist are coming in droves. You just won't see the magnitude until it is too late.

Submitted by bk (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 10:51pm

I don't have a problem with people carrying what I fear is the friendly fire. If some nut job whacko righty pulls a gun in a crowded area and all of the scared righties pull their guns and start shooting like a circular firing squad then there will be a great deal of righty casualties from friendly fire. Not only that but when the police show up they may even shoot a few righties until they know which righty started the blood bath.

Submitted by Ed H. (not verified) : Jan 15, 2016 2:02am

You need your head examined. You don't even make sense.

Submitted by Gz7 (not verified) : Jan 15, 2016 2:26am

I'm sorry you obviously can't comprehend what I'm talking about. If any heads need to be examined it's the people who are scared of every shadow they see. Grow up a grow a pair.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Jan 15, 2016 2:39am

first question!
Why wasn't one of those "nut jobs" close by when that fool opened fire in the restaurant? I might not have been shot since that "nut job" could have been taken out the criminal??
You have no combat experience and like most leftists you are just an ignorant fool.

Submitted by 1st Sergeant (not verified) : Jan 16, 2016 2:39pm

Not very nice of you to call a fellow Vet an "igorant fool". This is a discussion forum not a whack center....

Submitted by Michael B (not verified) : Jan 25, 2016 2:18pm

Since there have already been Islamic attacks dating back to the 1st attack on the WTC up to recent history, this question isn't relevant. There have been many!
My fears include the Don's and Pablo's of the world and there liberal "professors" that teach America bad everything else good!
I'll finish with the quote by Robert A. Heinlein in short "A well armed society is a polite society" .

Submitted by Greg G (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 4:25pm

Well put!! I wasn't concerned about arming myself prior to this President thinking I could rely on law enforcement people to "cover my back". But since he and Holder have thrown all those people under the bus I have recently acquired a concealed carry permit and a weapon and am going to buy more - to protect my family. As a veteran even I feel like I've been thrown under the bus; it would be inexcusable to allow harm to come to mine because I failed to "cover their backs" because I just went along with POTUS.

Submitted by Antonio Salazar (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 5:57pm

Remember the POTUS and his henchman (DHS) consider Veterans potential domestic terrorist??
We've taken an oath to the US Constitution! Will defend against both foreign and domestic!
Well done on obtaining your CCDW.

Submitted by Greg G (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 6:54pm

Well spoken Greg a well armed society is indeed a polite society

Submitted by Julio136 (not verified) : Jan 15, 2016 12:16pm

Well, if you want to discuss wack jobs and hate groups how about the "Occupy Movement". Now there are/were some real far left imbeciles . I could go on, but I have better things to do with my time.

Submitted by Ken Weygant (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 4:33pm

Sorta like the Tea Party movement. Talking about whack jobs.

Submitted by Ed H. (not verified) : Jan 15, 2016 1:53am

I totally agree with you on that comment. Some of these sheltered folks that live amongst us have no idea what our own people are capable of. Cops just need to start splitting more heads let the public get over it. If you're not messing up, your probably not going to get shot or hit. That's all I'll be out to say cuz I get better things to do also Ken. Good comment though

Submitted by Julio136 (not verified) : Jan 15, 2016 12:15pm

I'm far less concerned about a significant Daesh attack in the USA, than I am about domestic terror attacks.

Submitted by Dorothy B. (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 5:46pm

You do realize we have been fighting World War III, si'?

Submitted by Greg G (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 9:23pm

Dear Dorothy,

What is a Daesh attack ?

Submitted by Julio136 (not verified) : Jan 15, 2016 12:10pm

Good for you Dorothy. They hate being referred to as Daesh, but that's who they are. They are not an Islamic "State."

Submitted by B Mac (not verified) : Jan 15, 2016 3:01pm

Enough concerned to apply for a Concealed weapons permit. I plan on purchasing an appropriate weapon to carry.

Submitted by Charles Horn (not verified) : Jan 14, 2016 7:31pm

Dear Charles,
I don't know if you're a veteran or not it does not matter. I don't know if you have ever handled or fired a weapon , that does not matter either. I have been shooting and teaching people self defense for many many years now. I strongly urge anyone who is arming themselves for the first time to please please seek a professional to train you. More people, innocent people are killed every year by someone trying to do the right thing and help someone that's in trouble. It's just a lot to think about and we all know what the world is coming to. Please be safe.

Submitted by Julio136 (not verified) : Jan 15, 2016 12:06pm

I do believe an attack of some sort will occur, either from 'radical Islam(ISIS) or from misguided domestic terrorist group. However, I refuse to change my way of life or alter plans to attend any sporting or entertainment events because 'something' MIGHT happen.

Submitted by Dmad (not verified) : Jan 15, 2016 2:33pm

when i go any where I carry my Gun plan and simple I refuse to be a number as past service member the second amenenment gives me that right

Submitted by Andy Cruz (not verified) : Jan 16, 2016 12:42pm

Not concerned this year, but next year is a different story.

Submitted by John T LaRochelle : Jan 28, 2016 11:50am