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What is the single most effective way to ward off ISIS-inspired attacks on U.S. soil?

Completely secure our borders.
27% (175 votes)
Increase number of uniformed security agents and police officers.
2% (13 votes)
Increase military presence and decimate ISIS in the Mideast.
30% (199 votes)
Engage other nations to unite and defeat ISIS.
29% (192 votes)
Nothing can be done at this point; future attacks are inevitable.
7% (43 votes)
Other. Answer in comments.
5% (34 votes)
Total votes: 656



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Get out of the Middle East and stay out. We only go bankrupt, get Americans killed & wounded and make things worse. Stop giving them reasons to hate us including giving Israel 10 million dollars each and every day.

Submitted by Milt R (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 2:09pm

Smartest answer here, but braindead politicians don't have smarts enough to figure that out!! Then the politicians could concentrate on our own security instead of wringing their hands, worrying and wondering what to do next in the ME.

Submitted by Rick Bennison (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 4:34pm

That is why I like Trump.......he is not a politician!

Submitted by Reb1 (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 7:55pm

You are right, he's an idiot.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 9:58pm

Amen. An cut out foreign aid as we know it. Help in foreign disasters should be the USs only foreign aid.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 6:27pm

We as a nation must engage those who are vulnerable to the propaganda put forth by ISIS and others to move them to a frame of mind where they see it for what it is.

Submitted by tom47 (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 2:21pm

Unity is the key to defeating any outside invasion. Forget fighting each other, that will only weaken us as a nation. It doesn't matter what your religion, race, sex or any of that other divisive stuff they use to keep us from uniting against one threats. Anyone that wants a street where all children can safely play and woman can walk unmolested has to be willing to fight for it. That doesn't necessarily mean picking up a gun, sometimes it can mean putting down prejudices and standing together for good. That is what will keep us safe and free. Until people can let go of past digressions, come together and live today there will be no security in the future. Everyone just needs to get over it and see the real threat to our freedoms.

Submitted by Sarah K. (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 2:24pm

Done! Our president has forced all federal law enforcement agencies to disregard any reference to muslim or the religion of Islam and what has it gotten us?

We have also let go of past transgresions. During virtually every terrorist attack, the perpetrator(s) shouted Allahu Akbar, just as Mohammed did as his warriors attacked the infidels.

Is anyone happy with hearing about a new terrorist attack somehere in the world every 84 hours and then being thankful it wasn't us that got massacred.

Submitted by Diogenese (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 11:34pm

I can't believe one of the choices wasn't "Keep them out". Pretty simple. Pretty basic. And a start to getting this mess taken care of. Look at Europe - nearly ALL of the attacks are from these losers that they let in. Wake up America!

Submitted by J. R. Wilson (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 2:36pm

Agree. Stop importing "refugees", un-import (deport) those previously imported.

Submitted by So.AZVet (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 3:47pm

Stupid survey no one action is going to do it. Of course we need to secure our borders to slow them down but if we don't eliminate them overseas it is only a matter of time before they slip through.

Submitted by Bill Stockdale (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 2:57pm

Securing the boarders is fine. Keeps some out. But what about the home grown terrorist?

Submitted by Partsman (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 3:31pm

All but 5

Submitted by Salvatore R LaRosa (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 3:54pm

Not listed, but might work Congress should declare war on ISIS. Doing this will allow the govt to use military style law on even US citizens who decide to attack America from within.

Submitted by Tom Baranski (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 4:07pm

Get a president who will stand up to Isis instead of playing footsies with them. Keep them in prison.

Submitted by Lester Walker (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 4:37pm

I think the "Donald" will do that.

Submitted by partsman (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 4:59pm

Do you want another Draft Dodger as Commander in Chief?

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 6:23pm


Submitted by partsman (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 6:47pm

I don't understand your question. Please rephrase.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 6:51pm

You referred to the Donald so I assume you are talking about Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is a draft dodger and received several deferments. He wound up with a medical deferment for a heel spur. The heel spur did not keep him from playing college baseball but it kept him out of Vietnam. Trump was playing baseball while people were fighting in the jungles of Vietnam. He talks tough but when he had a chance Donald ducked the chance to fight.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 7:21pm

Did Hillary serve? She lied about being turned down for the Marine Corps. She lied about everything.

That's your alternative.

Submitted by Linda M (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 9:42pm

That Hillary would try to join the Marines does not seem plausible. Women have never been part of the draft to my knowledge. The topic is about Draft Dodgers. On the issue of lying, if you are Diogenes you won't be looking for an honest man (or woman) among politicians.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Jul 29, 2016 12:26pm

Let me paraphrase Sen. T. Cruz. Anyone but Rump. I'm sorry, Trump.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Jul 29, 2016 2:39pm

Donald did not tell the military doctors that a heel spur should make him inelligible for the draft. Millions of others his age chose to go to Canada or claimed to be conscientious objectors to avoid the draft.

Submitted by Diogenese (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 10:23pm

Trump received a medical deferment because of a heel spuR but it didn't keep him from playing college baseball while others were fighting and dying in Vietnam. Check the facts.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Jul 29, 2016 11:56am

I served, 1962-1966, and the rules of engagement were the same as now. After you get shot at, go to the armory and get your weapon. I should have gone to Canada.

Submitted by John Holcombe (not verified) : Jul 29, 2016 7:35pm

Bill Clinton was a draft dodger. Also because a person was in the military does not mean they will be a good President (Jimmy Carter). I hate to say but I those politicians with military experience are not necessarily better than those who did not serve. Also from a Constitutional point of view, military service is not a requirememt to be a Presidential candidate.

Submitted by Joe Domhan (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 10:00pm

So both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are Draft Dodgers.
You are correct about the rest.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Jul 29, 2016 11:59am

One candidate has said they will follow in the footsteps of President Obama who's rules of engagement require Americans to wait until fired upn before opening fire. Same candidate will appoint a committee (pass the buck) to "improve" the VA medical progam and shows outward disdain for presidential security detail when in the Whitehouse.

The other candidate will let us go where we want to if the "local" VA
hospital can't see us promptly and will pick up the tab and will fire the corrupt and incompetent VA executives who let our veterans down, modernize the VA, and by empower the doctors and nurses to ensure our veterans receive the best care available in a timely manner.

I'll take the latter every time.

Submitted by Diogenes (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 10:15pm

I agree with Salvatore L LaRosa we need to use every thing that our government has at it's disposal.

Submitted by Gary Bradon (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 5:32pm

ISIS is HERE because we are THERE.
Let the Middle East take care of ISIS and let's take care of the USA. You can't beat a guerilla group like ISIS on their own turf by bombing them. They can disappear in the general population whenever they want. ISIS in it for the long hall.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 6:35pm

ISIS is here beause their literal interpretation of the Koran reqires them to force all infidels (there are more than 300,000,000 here) to convert to Islam or die (like the Cathlic priest who was beheaded on the altar during mass i July of 2016).

Submitted by Diogenes (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 9:54pm

ISIS exists because we destabilized the Middle East with our Iraq War. Saddam Hussein kept the various factions in check but we killed him.

We along with the Europeans have been messing with the Middle East since WW1. Simply if you mess with people they mess with you. It is called Blowback, revenge, retaliation, etc. ISIS is focusing their terrorism on countries that are fighting in the Middle East.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Jul 29, 2016 11:51am

Someone once said: "Those that do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it." Muslims MUST defeat us; MUST lie to us; MUST behead us. I do not believe we can contain them. What do we do?

Submitted by John Holcombe (not verified) : Jul 29, 2016 7:27pm

Other than tossing all Muslims out of the US - which I'd like to do, we (all western nations) need to get out of their countries and stop trying to make western democracies out of them. The west has been screwing up the middle-east ever since the end of WWI. Stand by and with Israel.

Submitted by BobCan (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 8:06pm

They are here because they want the rest of the world to be as miserable as their philosophy makes them. Remember the strategies of counterforce and countervalue? We are counter-forcing them on their territory at the moment, rather gently by one measure, but we need something they really VALUE and make it clear that thing will cease to exist right after the next attack of any size. Period. And then make it stick.

Submitted by AC130 (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 8:20pm

Good point. IMO, bombing Mecca off the face of the earth should do it!

Submitted by Cora (not verified) : Jul 29, 2016 12:19pm

Still just name calling?

I'll leave it to the pro. What do you call a person who wants to invite the world into our country, terrorists and all, while giving them access to all the benefits that only American citiens have paid for; inciting violence against those police officers who would protect us from law breakers; releasing terrorists and illegals from prison to kill us or commit other crimes (more than 100,000 per year in Texas alone); trying to make it so anyone can vote without providing ID; etc.,etc.,etc.?

It would be a vast improvement if only the constitution and laws of our country were enforced.

Submitted by Diogenese (not verified) : Jul 28, 2016 11:56pm

If Hilary Clinton becomes President we will be asked this same question 4 years from that day.

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Jul 29, 2016 8:24am

While completely securing our borders and increasing military drone strikes to decimate ISIS in the Mideast are necessary we can't win unless we engage other MUSLIM nations to unite and defeat ISIS. Unless and until the MUSLIM's quit talking out of both side of their lying mouths, ISIS and Muslim Terrorism in general will continue to grow.

Submitted by John Wohlwend (not verified) : Jul 29, 2016 11:03am

Since lying to the "infidel" (us) is one of the basic tenants of their cult, they will never stop lying.

Submitted by Cora (not verified) : Jul 29, 2016 12:17pm

Vote to limit terms of congressmen to ten years, vote only for conservative Tea Party or Republican representives, Vote Trump for President to insure we get control of the Supreme Court. Secure our borders, and stregthen immigration rules to eleminate all terrorist.

Submitted by Edward Stowell (not verified) : Jul 29, 2016 12:34pm

To Ed Stowell; Absolutely!

Submitted by partsman (not verified) : Jul 29, 2016 5:03pm

I think it is a good idea to limit terms for our representatives, but it is a good idea to have a mix of Democrat and Republican representatives. Only time will tell about Donald Trump, I am not too sure if he would be a good President.

Submitted by Bill Snodgrass (not verified) : Jul 31, 2016 1:21pm

Continue to support our great President and his successor, Hillary Clinton. President Obama has continued the fight overseas and has kept us safe at home. No plan is perfect but his has done us well to date.

Submitted by Les Thackston (not verified) : Jul 31, 2016 9:44am

There is no single answer to a question with the complexities this has. We can't afford to completely secure our borders without drastically gutting our constitutional freedoms. Friends and enemies will both lie to us although friends would be less likely to stab us in the back. We need more friends that want more of the kind of help we can provide without breaking the bank. We need leaders with vision to carry on the best examples of Americanism that this country and its citizens have provided so far.

Submitted by Craiginb (not verified) : Aug 1, 2016 8:13am