Legion urges Congress to re-evaluate fiduciary programs

Legion urges Congress to re-evaluate fiduciary programs

During recent testimony, a Legion representative noted how consolidation of Department of Veterans Affairs fiduciary programs are hampering advocacy efforts and limiting interaction betreen accredited representatives and the VA.

Insurance Against Mistakes and Madmen

Insurance Against Mistakes and Madmen

A key piece of America’s Cold War arsenal is back. NORAD’s iconic Cheyenne Mountain headquarters is open for business - again.

Pennsylvania Legion Commander to Pittsburgh VA: ‘Grow Up!’

Alarmed at a report that workplace harassment has been a problem in the Pittsburgh VA health system for years, the head of the Pennsylvania American Legion called for a ‘complete culture change’ in order to better serve veterans.

Legion to VA: Find the Missing $54 Million Documentation

“Unbelievable,” was how American Legion National Commander Michael D. Helm described a report that more than $54.4 million of prosthetics were purchased by VA employees in the Bronx using government credit cards.

Flags for Freedom

Flags for Freedom

High school graduates in New York receive gifts they did not expect.
