SAL Commander Hall: In a busy month, don’t lose sight of our goals
National Commander of the Sons of the American Legion JR Hall, Legislative Council Chairman Rick Oertel of Virginia, Legislative Commission Chairman Patricia A. Harris at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C., Washington, D.C., on Monday, February 26. Photo by Jennifer Blohm

SAL Commander Hall: In a busy month, don’t lose sight of our goals

Hello again, American Legion Family,

As we get going in April, we are excited to get spring underway. Let’s remember that April is Children & Youth Month and we need to make sure we are working and supporting our youth programs. Many of our youth are gearing up for the Oratorical Contest, Junior Shooting, American Legion Baseball and Boys and Girls State. We need to support all those involved in these programs. I feel every participant is indeed a winner. So get out to watch these events and show our future we care about them today.

April is also a busy month as most are headed into the last days of our year for reports. Let’s run to the finish line and cross it going hard. Then make sure you fill out the reports and get them all turned in. The work we all do is great, let’s finish the job by reporting so the numbers continue to work for the Legion Family.

As April starts off, I have heard of many post families planning for American Legion Family Day, April 27. That is exciting. I look forward to hearing all the stories and seeing pictures on Legiontown and social media; make sure you share your post story.

Thanks to all the squadrons that have completed the National Commander’s Four Pillars Challenge and filled out the paperwork. I have been fortunate enough to be able to hand out some of the certificates to squadrons that have completed the challenge in my travels. It’s not too late for any squadron to complete the challenge and get the paperwork turned in. Thank you all for supporting the Four Pillars.

Please remember our veterans and active military, and prepare yourself to always “Be The One.”


“Representing More Than Me”

Don “JR” Hall

SAL National Commander