Post Adjutant’s Guide
The duties, responsibilities, expectations and opportunities of a post adjutant are lined out in this important guide to an American Legion post’s day-to-day operations.
Officer’s Guide and Manual of Ceremonies
A comprehensive guide to the duties of American Legion officers, including language for specific ceremonies, installations and procedures. The roles of all post officers and committees are clearly stated, and a month-by-month program planning guide is offered. Emblem use, meeting set-up, funeral honors procedure and rules on Legion caps and uniforms are among the details provided in this document.
District/County Commander’s Guide
District/county commanders, intermediaries between posts and departments, have a distinct set of responsibilities and opportunities to build teams, promote the organization and provide valuable feedback for posts. This guide offers a roadmap of how to make the most of the office.
This brochure expresses the role of the post service officer, in contrast to an accredited American Legion service officer, in referring veterans with needs to the most effective agencies and resources.
National Constitution & Bylaws
The American Legion is a federally chartered veterans service organization guided – at the national, department and local levels – by a congressionally approved Constitution and Bylaws. This document clearly outlines the organization’s purposes, powers, officer duties, structure, rights and rules. Conditions of post and department charters are articulated, as are processes for disciplinary action.
IRS Inclusion Letter
In a convenient, fillable PDF format, this letter contains clear language for an American Legion post to request it be included in the national organization’s request for IRS tax-exempt status.
Resolutions and Reports Booklet
This document explains how to write effective American Legion resolutions, the process of having them considered and by which entities, with multiple samples.
Post and Squadron Charter Forms
In order to start a new American Legion post or Sons of The American Legion squadron, application forms are necessary, as well as an understanding of how a post or squadron must function under a temporary charter and the steps to be taken to become permanent.
Consolidated Post Report Form
Each membership year, American Legion posts are required to submit a report documenting hours, services, dollars, numbers of program participants and more. The form, in a convenient fillable PDF format, can be completed and submitted online or by printing and mailing.
Consolidated Squadron Report Form
Member Data Form
This form is essential for transferring a member, recording one as deceased, changing an address, updating an email address and more.
Request Ceremonial Rifles, Ammo, Equipment
The American Legion National Security Commission has oversight of the national military rifle, ammo and equipment loan program that assists local posts, and this is the official form to make a request.
Information Sheet on Ceremonial Rifles/Ammo Loan Program
This sheet explains the steps, conditions and contact directions of using The American Legion surplus military loan program.
Constitution and By-laws
The American Legion’s rules, policies, organizational structure, chartering requirements, disciplinary procedures, membership criteria and more are contained in the Legion’s congressionally approved national Constitution and By-laws.
Rules of the NEC
Powers, rights, procedures and policies of the National Executive Committee are detailed in this official document that guides the NEC in its official meetings.
Outline of Authorization
The organizational structure of The American Legion’s national commissions, committees, National Executive Committee, officers, National Convention and headquarters operations is diagrammed and
Uniform Code of Procedures
This code provides detailed understanding of the national convention committees, rules of the national convention, delegate dispositions, department delegation organization and the types of resolutions that require national convention consideration.
Annual Report
Each year, The American Legion National Headquarters produces an illustrated annual report of activities and priorities that is delivered to Congress to comply with federal requirements. Included in the report is an audited financial statement.