PR Toolkit
This recently updated publication provides guidance and best practices to promote The American Legion through outside media, advertising and community relations. Included in the document is guidance on how to use The American Legion emblem and brand mark, social media recommendations and tips on photography and videography. Included are sample media advisories, press releases, proclamations and public-service announcements.
Positions & Programs booklet
This is a guide to the organization’s stances on current issues of concern, as well as a reference to programs of national interest. It is written so that its various sections can be quickly melded into brief or extended remarks for presentations to various audiences, from Legion Family gatherings to media.
Brands and marks
Brand guidelines for The American Legion and Legion Family.
Be the One
The American Legion's Be the One program is a veteran suicide prevention initiative with resources available to help veterans in crisis get the help they need, and tools to educate others on how to Be the One to ask a veteran if they are OK.
Rally Around the Flag
The American Legion has been invigorating pride for and building awareness about why the U.S. flag matters with its Rally Around the Flag imitative. To support this effort, The American Legion has created 50 Rally Around the Flag messages that can be shared on social media. These social media graphics feature historical notes, fun facts and voices from history about Old Glory. Download the Rally Around the Flag social media graphics here.
A portfolio of U.S. Flag Code individual, downloadable graphics also can be shared on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Download the Know Your Code graphics at
And share your flag moment with photos at under the category “Rally Around the Flag.”
Action Programs of Americanism
American Legion Baseball Promotional Booklet
More than 3,400 teams and nearly 55,000 youth participate in the program yearly from all 50 states and Canada.
Oratorical Contest
For students seeking an academic challenge and an opportunity to earn college scholarship money, the American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program is a natural fit. For more than 80 years, this constitutional speech contest has educated youth on our nation’s founding document, with an emphasis on citizenship.
Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Brochure
Help youth gain first-hand experiences and insight into the operations of law enforcement agencies.
Join a Junior Shooting Sports club
The American Legion Junior Shooting Sports Program teaches youth rifle safety and procedure and lets children participate in an Olympic skill sport while fostering healthy competition.
American Legion Boys State
American Legion Boys State is a unique summertime educational program for rising high school seniors that focuses on participation and personal experience in a model state, complete with governmental bodies and elected public officials. It is designed to mirror the structure and operation of its respective state government, while providing training in practical citizenship, leadership and character development through a non-partisan perspective.
School Award Medal Program
Award youth for courage, honor, scholarship, leadership, service and patriotism.
Legacy Scholarship
The American Legion Legacy Scholarship is a needs based scholarship designed to fulfill a financial gap remaining after all federal and state educational grants/scholarships available to an eligible applicant have been utilized. Children of U.S. military members who died while on active duty on or after Sept. 11, 2001, and children of post-9/11 veterans having been assigned a combined disability rating of 50 percent or greater by the Department of Veterans Affairs also qualify.
Four Chaplains Day Brochure
Four Chaplains Day services vary in length and format, but all should tell the story of the chaplains’ supreme sacrifice – and bring together people of diverse backgrounds and creeds in recognition of our common humanity.
Blood Program
The American Legion encourages members to give blood and host blood drives as part of the American Legion Blood Donor Program – an organizational effort that has existed since 1946 to help a lifesaving cause.
Know Your Benefits
A handbook for U.S. veterans and families.
VA Voluntary Service
The American Legion has been a staunch supporter and active participant in the Department of Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS) program since its inception in 1946. Today, across the country more than 8,000 American Legion volunteers contribute nearly 900,000 hours annually at various VA medical centers, Community Based Outpatient Centers, vet centers, nursing homes, state veterans homes and many more facilities in support of our hospitalized veterans.
Benefits calculator
Learn about the benefits you may be eligible for.
Service officer
Find an American Legion service officer in your area.
The GI Bill and You
Your guide to education benefits that cover tuition, books, housing and more.
American Legion's Legislative Agenda
The American Legion’s legislative priorities in this document represent the voices of our 1.8 million members who serve more than 12,000 communities.
The American Legion has an abundance of promotional videos and public service announcements (PSAs) that help tell the Legion's story, as well as aid in membership recruiting, fundraising efforts, support for programs and events, and more. And it's all easily accessible on The American Legion's Vimeo channel at and YouTube channel.
The American Legion has written speeches available for posts and departments to use.