Legion: Weak policies hurt vets’ small business

In written testimony to House subcommittee, Legion says weak government policies and rules limit effectiveness of tools aimed to facilitate contracting opportunities for veterans.
VA home loan limits may drop

VA home loan limits may drop

Legion calling on Congress to make good on its commitment to ensure veterans, servicemembers have access to sustainable, affordable housing.
A true success story

A true success story

Post 126 in Asheville, N.C., doubles as a homeless shelter for veterans. And it works.

New Jersey job fair yields results

New Jersey job fair yields results

The American Legion joined forces with the Chamber of Commerce to host a job fair in New Jersey that produced around 25 jobs for veterans.

Task Force to launch job initiative

Task Force to launch job initiative

The American Legion's Business Task Force will meet Nov. 9 at Post 1 in D.C. to launch a new initiative aimed to improve veterans' prospects in the business world.
