SE4-EP183 Tango Alpha Lima: “Small Town Strong” Executive Producers Chase Millsap and Dale King

IN THE NEWS How the US Army made the world’s toughest sandwich THIS WEEK'S GUEST Executive Producer and Director Chase Millsap and Executive Producer Dale King, join us to talk about their documentary, “Small Town Strong.” Filmed over four years in Portsmouth, Ohio, the one-time pill mill capital of America, “Small Town Strong” follows Dale, a former Army Intelligence Officer, who returns to his hometown after two tours in Iraq, to find it in shambles amid the growing opioid epidemic. With no one coming to save them, King starts PSKC Crossfit gym and offers job opportunities to those in recovery. Their unorthodox strategy takes on fentanyl with fitness – resulting in one of the biggest comebacks in small-town America history. RAPID FIRE Women in Army SOF resorted to buying their own armor, study finds Share your Buddy Check Week plans with us How rucking can give your walking routine a boost SHOW NOTES @Wearethemighty @smalltownstrongdoc




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