Leamon Marshall Woolard Jr.

Leamon Marshall Woolard Jr.

Leamon Marshall Woolard Jr.
March 11, 1948 - Oct. 29, 2014
Leamon Marshall Woolard Jr. 66, of Livingston, Texas, passed away in Dallas on Oct. 29, 2014. He was born in Corpus Christi, Texas, to Leamon Marshall and Phyllis Erith (Terry) Woolard on March 11, 1948. He served in the Air Force and was a member of Our Savior Lutheran Church in McKinney, Texas. He married Nancy Corkill in Las Vegas on Feb. 29, 1980. He was employed by Texas Instruments for 30 years as an electrical engineer. He is survived by his loving wife Nancy Woolard and one son, Marshall Cody Woolard. He was an avid outdoorsman who loved hunting, fishing, birdwatching, taking long walks and hiking, NASCAR and photography. He will be greatly missed and will always be loved and remembered.
Preceded By:
Leamon Marshall Woolard, Father
Phyllis Erith (Terry) Woolard, Mother