Legion Family already bringing holiday cheer to others

Despite icy and snow-covered roads, around 90 children made it to American Legion Auxiliary Unit 143’s annual Christmas party for children on Dec. 10 in the Post Falls, Idaho, area.

For Past Auxiliary Unit 143 President Renee Lusby, the party’s primary organizer, it’s an event she’s always looked forward to since becoming involved with it around 2014.

“It’s just a lot of fun,” said Lusby, who dresses as an elf for the party. “It’s seeing all these little kids smile. It takes the anxiety out of ‘Can we open a present now? Can we open a present now?’ I just really enjoy it.”

At this year’s party, Santa Claus made an appearance, while members of Unit 143 prepared gift bags that included toothbrushes and toothpaste, candy, pencils, and bags of cookies and chips. Each child also receives a new present.

Craft tables were set up that allowed the children to make their own ornament; cookies and hot chocolate are provided for the children, while refreshment tables also were set up for parents, grandparents or whoever brought the children to the post.

“It’s nice to see people smiling and really happy this time of year with everything going on,” Lusby said. “I have a blast. I just have so much fun seeing these little kids getting something. Some of them are real shy with Santa, and some are not.”

COVID-19 stopped Unit 143 from hosting a party in 2020, so the Auxiliary members improvised. They provided 33 gifts and goodie bags to residents at the Union Gospel Mission Center for Women and Children in Coeur d’Alene. This year, the goodie bags left over from the party will be presented to the mission and to the Children’s Village, which provides housing and assistances to children in families suffering from abuse, neglect or are in crisis.

Albuquerque American Legion Post Brings Santa, Holiday Cheer to Local Children. In Albuquerque, Carlisle Bennet American Legion Post 13 conducted its annual children’s Christmas party on Dec. 10. In addition to pizza, games and an appearance from Mr. and Mrs. Claus, around 200 children were given new toys courtesy of the post’s American Legion Riders’ chapter’s recent toy round-up.

See video of the event above or click here.  

Kansas Legion Family Again Delivers to Military Families. On Dec. 10, members of the Kansas American Legion headed to Fort Riley for the 14th Annual Operation North Pole. The event provided around 600 toys to military children in need. The children also were able to visit with Santa Claus, as well as play games and get their faces painted.

“We like to use this as kind of a two-fold event we like to provide for our servicemembers and their children,” Roger Beckley, the event chairman and Kansas’ District 4 vice commander told WIBW. “Plus, we like it’s a way for us to continue to serve and so we do that and at the end of the day though it all about we’re providing them a service and then at the end we hope we might get a couple of new members out the whole thing. It’s an event that we just love to do and give back to the warriors and their families and their children and put them in the Christmas spirit.”

The following are a few other ways American Legion Family members already have assisted others during the holiday season. Make sure to share your efforts at www.legiontown.org.

·       In El Reno, Okla., American Legion Post 34 and Auxiliary Unit 34 held their annual Gifts to the Yanks program fundraiser by hosting a poker run, live auction and dinner. Over $2,924 was raised and presented to the El Reno High School on Veterans Day to kick off their 77th annual fundraising for Gift to the Yanks. “After the students have completed their fundraising, they will go shopping to buy and wrap all the gifts purchased,” Unit 34 Secretary Debbie Wintermute said. “In December, the high school will hold its annual Gifts to the Yanks program assembly in the high school auditorium. At the end of the program, they load all of the wrapped gifts onto their school buses and go to Oklahoma City to the VA hospital. While spreading the holiday cheer by singing Christmas carols in the halls, they make sure that each and every veteran in the hospital receives a gift! We are proud to have continued this for the past 76 years, having never missed a year!”

·       In Stoughton, Mass., American Legion Post 89 sponsored a Toys for Tots night on Nov. 19 that featured bands and dinner. Admission to the event was to bring a new, unwrapped toy. The post collected over 327 toys with more still coming in. “This is the 75th anniversary of Toys for Tots, and we were honored to be part of this program,” Post 89 Commander Michael L. Pazyra said. “This was a great community event that highlighted what our post is all about - not only serving our veterans and their families, but also our community at large. A special thanks to Post Senior Vice Commander Thomas McGauley for doing the groundwork for the event.”

·       In Emporia, Kan., American Legion Post 5 conducted its first Toy Run to benefit the Salvation Army. Nearly 90 toys, games and other items for kids were donated through the drive, along with over $300.

·       In Abilene, Kan., James R. Cutler American Legion Post 39 held its 25th annual Abilene Motorcycle Toy Run. About 70 Legion Riders from the post and surrounding areas brought in more than 150 toys for Toys for Tots.

·       In Omaha, Neb., at the Millard Post 374 American Legion Family’s annual Kids Christmas Party, children received gifts, put together Christmas crats and were able to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Claus.

·       In Fuquay-Varina, N.C., American Legion Auxiliary Unit 116 adopted 12 children for Christmas via the Toys for ‘Lil Troops program.

·       In Lima, Ohio, Post 96’s American Legion Family provided more than 120 presents to children ages 12 and under during its annual Children’s Christmas Party. Those attending the party also were provided food and entered into a drawing to win one of 40 new bicycles purchased for the party. “We like giving stuff back to the community and helping kids out that may not have any Christmas,” Post 96 Legionnaire Wiley Hutchins told HometownStations.com.