Nebraska farmers raise $4,000 for OCW

Nebraska farmers raise $4,000 for OCW

The annual antique tractor ride covered 425 miles over nine days while collecting donations for the Legion’s program to aid wounded servicemembers.

The Bystander

All of us that have a couple of miles under our belt on a motorcycle have seen a motorcycle accident, either happening in front of us, involved in one, or have rolled up on one that has just happened. The would’a, should’a, could’a will come later; right now it’s time to act. Can you help? Are you just a bystander in the way, or do you have training in accident management and can help? I urge everyone to take a course when available and add it to your riding skills. Thaaat’s right, I said Riding Skills. Until then, here are some basics if you find yourself in this position.

American Legion to host TBI/PTSD symposium in Washington

Complementary and alternative treatments for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as caregiver and family support, are the major topics to be examined at The American Legion’s symposium on TBI/PTSD in Washington on June 24.
