How does Post 64 in Colorado keep a pioneer spirit with every meeting?

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Spills and Thrills

Some of the slipperiest surfaces you will encounter on a motorcycle are those where a liquid has overflowed or something like gravel has spilt onto the road from a truck. Most of the time we never see the vehicle leaving their mark, but it just so happens that most spills are at intersections, curves and corners where gravel, diesel oil, or landfill poop has overflowed its’ container. In the wet during a rainy day the rainbow effect of oils is easy to spot and even smell, but at night it is nearly impossible to spot without proper lighting.

Against the Wind

Riding in a strong crosswind on a motorcycle can be hazardous to your health if you are inexperienced, or just not mindful of the dangers. If a windy day gives you pause, maybe enough to even stay home, you can use some skills practice. Here are some things you can do to prepare before you find yourself dangerously dancing against the wind.
