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Testifying on Post-9/11 GI Bill

Bob Madden of the Legion's Economic Division is testifying on updates to the Post-9/11 GI Bill before a congressional subcommittee.

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Testifying on VA claims processing personnel

Ian de Planque of the Legion's VA&R Division is testifying at a congressional hearing on training requirements for VA claims processing personnel.

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Meeting with staff of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Bob Madden, assistant director of the Legion’s National Economic Division, is meeting with staff in the office of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, asking for her support of H.R. 5933, a bill designed to expand Post-9/11 G.I/ Bill benefits.

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Hosting a Vet Force meeting at D.C. office

Joe Sharpe, director of The American Legion’s Economic Division, is hosting a Vet Force meeting today at the Legion's Washington office. The group is made up of VSO representatives and veterans business associations; its purpose is to discuss legislation and issues that affect veteran business owners around the country.

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Planning third annual H2H Golf Classic

American Legion national staff is planning the third annual H2H Golf Classic at Andrews Air Force Base on Oct. 7. The golf outing benefits wounded warriors by raising money for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund.

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Implementing National Commander Jimmie's Foster new membership program

Newly elected National Commander Jimmie Foster has created the Lucky 7 pin incentive membership program. Go to for details.

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Electing a new national commander in Milwaukee

Delegates to the 92nd Annual American Legion National Convention in Milwaukee will elect a new national commander for the 2010-2011 year.

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Legionnaires from across the nation hear from top U.S. officials at the Legion National Convention in Milwaukee

Legionnaires from across the nation hear from top U.S. officials at the 92nd American Legion National Convention in Milwaukee.

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Touring a homeless veterans facility

Members of the National Economic Division and Commission are touring a homeless veterans facility in Milwaukee.

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Streaming live The American Legion National Convention Parade in Milwaukee.

Beginning at 4 p.m. today, will feature a live stream of The American Legion National Convention Parade in Milwaukee.
