- How do you feel about the "Occupy Wall Street" protest movements? - 130 votes - open
- Is it legally justified to use drones to kill U.S. citizens who are aiding the enemy in other countries? - 1036 votes - open
- How do you think the Supreme Court will rule on the mandate each person is required to purchase individual health insurance? - 1636 votes - open
- Where will America's jobs come from? - 684 votes - open
- Should military retirement benefits be untouchable in the deficit-reduction plan? - 1374 votes - open
- What has been the most significant impact of 9/11? - 1772 votes - open
- Should the United States continue to tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in order to control gas prices? - 1714 votes - open
- Will the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan lead to greater stability? - 1433 votes - open
- Bipartisan congressmen have filed suit to stop the war in Libya on grounds it was never authorized. Will they succeed? - 842 votes - open
- How should NATO forces be deployed to control the civil war in Libya? - 802 votes - open
- As Congress looks to cut spending, should DoD accounts be considered for reduction? - 1364 votes - open
- Should the United States cut off foreign aid to Pakistan? - 1573 votes - open
- Do you agree with the 9th Circuit Court's recent condemnation of VA mental health care? - 749 votes - open
- Should the President send letters of condolence to families of servicemembers who commit suicide or die training in theater? - 1828 votes - open
- Should the U.S. debt ceiling be raised? - 1820 votes - open