July 25, 2016

Legionnaires to hear from No. 1 recruiter, district commander

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American Legion Recruiter of the Year Pat Liddell and Race to the Top winner Mark Shreve will speak at the Legion's National Membership Workshop.

Hundreds of Legionnaires will converge on Indianapolis July 29-30 for The American Legion's 53rd annual National Membership Workshop. The two-day workshop will involve breakout sessions on membership planning at the post, district and department level, presentations from award recipients, and remarks from Legion leadership.

Attendees will hear from 2015-2016 American Legion Recruiter of the Year Pat Liddell of Post 333 in Columbus, Ga., and Race to the Top Category III winner Mark Shreve of Post 189 in Ellerslie, Ga. Liddell recruited more than 800 new members and as District 3 commander, Shreve achieved 100 percent of the districts assigned membership goal. Also addressing attendees will be National Commander Dale Barnett, National Membership and Post Activities Chairman Ken Orrock, and leading candidate for 2016-2017 national commander Charles Schmidt.

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