January 28, 2021

Calling American Legion Baseball alumni

By The American Legion
  • Baseball
Calling American Legion Baseball alumni
Calling American Legion Baseball alumni

Help us update our database of American Legion Baseball alumni.

We're updating our database of American Legion Baseball alumni, and we're looking for the public's help to make sure we don't miss anyone.

If you know of an ALB alum who played Major League Baseball, minor league baseball, or is well-known for their accomplishments outside of baseball, and you don't see them listed in our database at legion.org/baseball/alumni, let us know through the Baseball tab at legiontown.org/share.

Among the alumni already in our database are Baseball Hall of Famers like Bob Gibson, Reggie Jackson and Chipper Jones to current stars like Jacob deGrom and Bryce Harper, as well as football big names like Bob Griese and Jon Gruden.

  • Baseball