Experts weigh in on veteran job search

Experts weigh in on veteran job search

Since the culmination of World War I, The American Legion has been dedicated to ensuring that those who serve their country have employment opportunities waiting for them when they return home. Even in an age of electronic résumés, social-media based networking and massive job-search engines, the Legion’s focus on employment hasn’t changed.

Finding a post-military career often requires as much technical savvy as it does old-fashioned interviewing skills and marketability. The Legion recognizes this and provides for veterans and transitioning servicemembers a valuable job resource – its Advice for Job Seekers page, which features advice from employment experts on résumé writing, job searching and managing your online identity in a way to attract prospective employers.

Wendy Enelow, renowned career expert, pens the bi-monthly column, which appears in The American Legion Magazine and Check in each month.