November 07, 2021

Help us expand Buddy Checks

By Paul E. Dillard, National Commander
  • Dispatch
Help us expand Buddy Checks
Help us expand Buddy Checks

Reach out to your congressional representatives to voice our support for the Buddy Check Act.

The American Legion has been at the forefront with Buddy Checks to ensure the needs of veterans in their post and community are met. Now there’s an opportunity for us to reach even more veterans and save even more lives with the Buddy Check Act – an American Legion-supported bipartisan legislation. 

This bill would direct VA to establish a “Buddy Check Week,” modeled after The American Legion’s Buddy Check program, to provide educational opportunities, materials and references for veterans to learn how to conduct personal wellness checks, as well as require increased resources for the Veterans Crisis Line to handle any potential increas in calls during the designated week. 

I ask you to help us get the Buddy Check Act passed.

Reach out to your congressional representatives to voice our support for this legislation at

And don’t wait to make contact. We must act now.

The U.S. Senate has approved legislation that would make this a national program. Now, let’s prod the U.S. House to follow suit. If our representatives don’t act before Congress recesses next month, it could be at least three months before they consider this legislation again. Or it could be dropped altogether.

For materials on The American Legion’s Buddy Check program, visit

The American Legion has demonstrated great success with Buddy Checks. Let’s help expand it through the VA for even greater success and reach. 

  • Dispatch