April 20, 2016

I Am The American Legion: Leroy Davis

By Steve Brooks
  • Magazine

“We can help (veterans) and make a difference in their lives. Stuff like that is what keeps me in and keeps me going.”

Leroy Davis first caught the attention of the local American Legion when he gave a presentation on sea power while stationed in Tuscaloosa, Ala. The Legion captured his attention that day, too, and Davis joined immediately. 

Now a member and three-term commander of Post 135 in Phenix City, Davis’ reason for staying with the organization for more than 20 years is simple. 

“It’s what we do for veterans,” he says. “I was unaware of how The American Legion fought for veterans benefits. Once I learned about that, I started volunteering more. It makes you feel good to know that you can help veterans and their families.”

Thanks in part to Davis’ efforts, Post 135 has a strong presence in its community. It has an active Oratorical program and has sent more than 30 participants to Boys State in recent years. The post also donates $1,000 to each of the volunteer fire departments in Russell County and sponsors boys awards for local Junior ROTC programs. Beyond that, the post building doubles as an emergency shelter.

And that’s just some of the story, one Davis is always eager to share. “I go to the County Commission meetings and talk about what our plans are,” he says. “At the end of the year, when we do our Consolidated Post Report, I go to the commission and give them a state-of-the-post report. They are pleased, knowing we are good managers of what we have and what we work with. I do the same thing with the City Council.

“It’s so important, because we do a great service for (the community). If you pull us out, they’ve got to come up with funds to do the things we do. We do things they don’t have to worry about.”

Branch of Service Navy (1975-1995)

NEC Navy counselor

Rank Chief petty officer

Post Post 34, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Fletcher-McCollister Post 135, Phenix City, Ala.

Years in the Legion 24

Legion Activities

  • Post commander (2013-present)
  • District Executive Committee member (2014)
  • Department public relations officer (2015-present)
  • Magazine