February 23, 2012

Legion to present National PR Award

By The American Legion
  • Public Relations
Legion to present National PR Award
Legion to present National PR Award

Retired Marine Corps Capt. Dale A. Dye will receive the American Legion National Commander’s PR Award on Feb. 29 in Washington.

Retired Marine Corps Capt. Dale Dye, Hollywood’s leading military technical advisor, will be the recipient of The American Legion National Commander’s Public Relations Award during a luncheon on Feb. 29 at the Washington Hilton Hotel.

In a letter to Dye, American Legion National Commander Fang A. Wong wrote, "You were nominated to receive this honor because of your outstanding career in the film industry. Your distinguished military service and your patriotism have provided Hollywood with a needed voice and expertise that did not exist prior to Warriors Inc. Countless veterans and nonveterans alike have been touched by your outstanding films."

Dye founded Warriors Inc., after a Marine Corps career which included service in Vietnam and Beirut. He has been an advisor and actor in some of the most successful war films in history, such as "Saving Private Ryan," "Platoon" and "Band of Brothers." He currently appears in the television series "Falling Skies."

"It’s a singular distinction, and I’m humbled by your decision to honor me for my meager efforts in the public media," Dye wrote to Wong. "You have my most sincere gratitude for adding me to the long list of notable Americans who have received this prestigious award in the past."

Visit www.legion.org/prawards to view past recipients of The American Legion National Commander’s PR Award.

  • Public Relations