February 26, 2011

Results in for JSSP qualification round

By The American Legion
  • Shooting
Results in for JSSP qualification round
Results in for JSSP qualification round

The qualification round of The American Legion Junior Shooting Sports Program air rifle match is complete.

The qualification round determines the 30 shooters who will compete at The American Legion's 21st annual Junior 3-Position Air Rifle National Championship in Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 2-7, 2011, at the Olympic Training Center.

There is currently a challenge period in affect for all shooters from this round who wish to challenge their score. Challenges may only be submitted via e-mail to Colin Short at cshort@legion.org. The challenge period will end Thursday, April 14, at 4:30p.m. EDT.

To view the results of the indvidual competition, click here. And to view the results for the team competition, click here.

  • Shooting