July 21, 2015

Sons participate in flag retirement ceremonies

By Sons of The American Legion
  • Sons
Sons participate in flag retirement ceremonies
Sons participate in flag retirement ceremonies

SAL members are encouraged to use and support the Legion's ceremony for disposal of unserviceable flags on Flag Day.

Every year Flag Day on June 14 is celebrated by displaying Old Glory in many ways. One of the aspects of Flag Day that is observed is the retirement or disposal of American flags.

This year on Flag Day, many Sons of The American Legion (SAL) members were involved with flag retirement ceremonies in their communities.

Flags that were torn, ripped, discolored and faded were collected and delivered to the local American Legion post for an honorable and symbolic retirement ceremony. The American Legion adopted the flag retirement ceremony in 1937 in effort to encourage proper disposal of unserviceable flags.

Most ceremonies begin in the evening with the presentation of colors, recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the National Anthem. All of the procedures are listed in “The Ceremony for Disposal of Unserviceable Flags,” which is outlined in resolution 440, passed by the 19th National Convention of The American Legion in New York, Sept. 20-23, 1937. The ceremony has been an integral part of American Legion ritual since that date.

The American Legion in adopting this ceremony was to encourage proper respect for the flag of the United States and to provide for disposal of unserviceable flags in a dignified manner. Resolution 373, approved by the National Convention of The American Legion meeting in Chicago in 1944, re-emphasized the purpose of proper public flag disposal ceremonies and encouraged greater use of this ceremony by The American Legion.

The American Legion’s “Ceremony for Disposal of Unserviceable Flags” is a dignified tribute to the U.S. flag and to its symbolism. This ceremony is both legal and proper, and is an effective instrument for promoting enhanced respect for the U.S. flag. SAL members are encouraged to use and support the ceremony on Flag Day on an annual basis. By doing so, you will enhance respect to the flag in your community and provide a much-needed service to those who have flags needing to be retired.

  • Sons